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It was the greatest compulsion that I had ever felt. Every inch of my body was convulsing and I wanted to scream. All that my entire body wanted to do was apparate to where the Dark Lord was. Every other aspect of my surrounding was shut out and I could concentrate on nothing but the Summoning. All the Death Eaters were there and I was also needed in that place. It felt as if I was being called against my will.

Against my will.

I was letting a dark wizard control me, Moody would have been so disappointed in me, I hadnt exercised any constant vigilance. I remembered when imposter-Moody had taught us to resist the Imperious curse and I wondered if it would work in this case. I concentrated on connecting to the earth. It had been long since I had done it and without a circle, it would be difficult. I felt a weak connection with the earth which could waver any time. That is, until I felt another power combining with mine. A strength that I had never felt before engulfed me, as if there was someone else within me helping me out. Instantly the earth responded. The wind shifted and I embraced its power. I let myself drown in it and the compulsion wavered. I felt whole as myself again, invincible and away from anyone's control. The earth trembled and I was brought back to the present.To Cedric's funeral.

And everyone was looking at me in horror.

Because I was floating in air.

I let myself down to the ground. I didn't break my connection to the earth. I looked at the horror struck crowd as a crazy idea occurred to me. There were more than eighty people, would it work? I concentrated on the last few minutes and drew in a large bout of power. 

"Obliviate!" I yelled. It worked on all of them. Their eyes became unfocused for a while and broke the connection.

As soon as I did, I felt tired and beat but then my strength returned fully. The Inner Eye showed me where it had come from. My anchors, Blaise, Dad and uncle Remus. Right now they would feel weak.

"Oh, my dear, are you okay?" asked Mrs Diggory pulling me away from the stage.

"I'm...I'm fine. The emotions were overcoming me." I said as she led me to the house.

"Your eyes!" she said in shock.

"What about them?" I panicked . She shook her head.

"Sorry for a moment I thought they were blue." she said.

She made me sit down and gave me a cup of tea. "Aren't you going back to the funeral?" I asked curiously.

"I'm afraid that I'll start to break all over again. And that this time, I won't stop." she said and to a certain extent I understood her. I looked around the walls. There were pictures of Cedric from when he was a baby in his mother's arms to the time when he was now all grown up. Seeing that smile that I loved so much and knowing I would never see it again made me want to scream.

"He told me a lot about you." said Mrs Diggory.

"He did?" I asked in surprise, "What did he say?"

"That you were a nice, sweet girl that meant a lot to him. He said you were one of his best friends Miley, can I call you that?" she said. I nodded as I stood there hardly daring to breath, trying to let the magnitude of her words fill me.

"You were special to him. And for the record, I didn't believe a word that Rita Skeeter wrote about you." This time I could not stop the tears from falling.

"Thank you for that." I sobbed.

"It's drizzling again today, I wonder why." she puzzled.

"It's for Ced." I said. "The skies are crying for him."


"Where on earth have you been?" my cousin Ariana Clearwater screamed when I got home.

"Who cares." I said miserably.

"Are you like, kidding me or something? I was supposed to look after you make sure you didn't leave!" she cried.

"Yeah well I gave you a sleeping draught so you wouldn't hear me leave." I said.

"Miley. That Dundybore guy said you shouldn't-" she started.

"I'm not Dumbledore's little lapdog like Sirius." I snapped.

"Your uncle is gonna be so mad at you." Ari said back.

"He won't find out because you didn't tell your mom that I was missing because you don't want her to think you are irresponsible." I said smugly. Sometimes having the Inner Eye was awesome. Ari was looking at me like a stranger.

"Besides, Ari, it isn't like he cares or anything otherwise he wouldn't have dumped me here with you guys all summer." I added. Ari sighed.

"He didn't dump you. You of all people know that whatever he is doing is for the greater good, or something." I rolled my eyes. "So you haven't used that forbidden magic thing today right?" asked Ari.

I thought about telling her the truth but decided against it.

"No. Of course not." I lied and she smiled.

"Congratulations, you have been clean for seventeen days!" she said.

If only she knew.

His Hope: Sirius Black's daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now