♡Chase x Noen♡

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🍸💚The morning after💚🍸

    Noen's eyes fluttered open softly as he snuggled into the comfortable bed beneath him

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    Noen's eyes fluttered open softly as he snuggled into the comfortable bed beneath him. His bed seemed softer than usual, he brushed off the fact that the entire room felt different than his own, it was warmer than his, and had a faint smell of expensive cologne. Noen chose to ignore it, simply being too tired to give a shit about where he was.

"Are you going to wake up sleepy head?" He heard someone softly ask while brushing Noen's hair out of his eyes. Noen only replied with a soft groan, trying to turn over and block out whoever was interrupting his peaceful slumber. His head hurt like hell, as he slowly began to remember the events of last night. The countless bottles of beer he downed, his friends pouring him shot after shot, and someone helping him walk up the stairs in his drunken state. As Noen recalled the last event, he instantly sat up, eyes shooting open as he realized he never went home last night.

"Woah! Calm down, you're going to regret getting up so fast in about 2 seconds," the person chuckled, placing a steady arm behind Noen's back to keep him from collapsing backward. And whoever was with Noen, was 100% correct, it felt like someone had just slammed his head into a block of concrete, his hangover was hitting him, and hitting him hard. He let out a pained groan as his hangover slowly took over all of his senses. Noen's vision was blurry, so without seemingly another option, he laid his head against the mystery person who had woken him up.

"Come on, you gotta join the land of the living," the person said with a laugh. The voice slowly began sounding more and more familiar to the sleepy boy. It seemed so obvious, yet he couldn't quite figure out who was talking to him, or where he was. After finally settling, his mind and body still aching, he was able to slowly open his eyes, rapidly blinking for a few seconds as his vision refocused.

    The first thing he did was look for the source of the mysterious voice, and at the sight of the person next to him, he jumped back with a yelp. He tried to crawl away from him but nearly tripped as he stumbled drunkenly towards the door.

"Hey, calm down, it's ok," Chase said softly as he quickly shot up and ran towards Noen. He wrapped his arms around him and softly pulled him back, preventing him from leaving the room in his panicked haze.

"We did not, oh my god, we didn't, please tell me we didn't do what I think we did!" Noen shouted in panic, trying to thrash out of Chase's arms but inevitably failing, as all Chase did was hold him tighter and slowly lead him back towards the bed. There were a million thoughts racing through his head, the most important and prominent being, 'did I sleep with Chase?'

"Hey, hey, you need to calm down ok. Nothing happened I promised. You were so blackout drunk that I didn't want you to drive home in your current state. So I just brought you upstairs to sleepover instead," Chase reassured, sitting down and softly tugging Noen's arm so he would sit beside him. He let out a chocked sigh of relief, placing a hand on his chest as he felt his own heart racing.

"Wow is the idea of sleeping with me, that bad?" Chase laughed, looking Noen in the eyes as a smug grin encased his face. The boy wasn't sure how exactly to respond to Chase's sarcastic remark, so he simply covered up his face with his hands in an attempt to shut the outside world away, and to soothe his ever-growing headache.

"I was just kidding! I promise!" Chase was quick to say, wrapping his arms around Noen in a comforting manner. He didn't want to upset him, in all reality he wanted to do quite the opposite. He wanted to hold Noen and assure him that everything will be alright as he helped him cope with his hangover.

"I'll put on some Tv for you while I go downstairs and grab some Tylenol," Chase soothed, leaning Noen back down against the bed and pulling the blankets up so they covered him. He flashed him one last heartfelt smile before leaving the room, on a mission to retrieve some medicine, water, and something light that Noen could eat with an upset stomach.

"Well, well, it couldn't be! Is today the day that, Chase Hudson has a boy in his room! Oh my word! I am so utterly shocked, I neve-" Jaden began to childishly remark as he poured himself a cup of coffee, giving Chase a smug look.

"Shut the fuck up Jaden!" He yelled while grabbing a glass out of the cabinet and walking over to the fridge to fill it up.

"Calm down dude, I was just making a joke. It's not like you actually like hi-, OH MY GOD! You like him don't you!" Jaden gushed as he looked at Chase with wide eyes. He always joked about how Chase "liked" boys, but now, Jaden wasn't sure if it was actually a joke all along. His statement caused Chase to stop dead in his tracks, quickly setting the glass down as he turned to face Jaden.

"Oh my god! You actually like him! Holy shit, I-, omg!" Jaden sputtered as shock took over.

"Not a damn word about this to anybody, you hear me?" Chase said firmly as he grabbed a few Tylenol from the bottle conveniently left sitting on the counter. Jaden's only reply was him zipping his lips and pretending to throw away the key. He nodded at his friend, watching as he hurriedly rushed up the stairs.

"What's going on?" Anthony asked as he walked into the kitchen, looking at Jaden with a confused expression. Instantly, the blonde-haired boy began to gush about how Chase was taking care of Noen.

"Jaden!" He yelled out from the top of the stairs.

"I'll tell you later," he whispered with a wink as he wrapped his arms around Anthony's body.

     Meanwhile, Chase entered his bedroom, his heart exploding as he saw Noen cuddled up under the concerns with sleep overtaking his body. So he did the only logical thing, he set the water down and slid into bed behind him, protectively wrapping his arms around his body.

"You're going to be mine one day," Chase cooed, running a few fingers through Noen's hair.

"I hope so," Noen replied in a sleepy, dazed state. Those three words left the other boy in shock, his face reddening as he realized he wasn't asleep.

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