♡Griffin x Jaden x Josh x Anthony ♡

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💜😈What the fuck😈💜


       So let's get one thing clear, Griffin and Jaden were dating and so were Josh and Anthony

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       So let's get one thing clear, Griffin and Jaden were dating and so were Josh and Anthony. But that didn't stop the boys from having a bit of occasional fun with someone besides their significant other. Usually, that fun stopped after a bit of flirting, and if they wanted to push it, it may end in a kiss or two. But out of respect of the other boys, nobody ever took it any further and did something more, intimate.

Today Jaden was feeling a bit, well, risky. So with confidence swarming throughout his body and his head held high, he walked into the living room, capturing the attention of Anthony who was just lounging by himself. He was cuddled between a stack of blankets and pillows, watching the TV intently as he wrapped himself up in Josh's hoodie.

"Hey Anthony," Jaden purred softly, flopping down on the couch next to him. Anthony flashed him a quick smile, pulling a pillow into his lap and cuddling up into it. Jaden scooted closer, gently running a hand up and down his shoulder, trying to pull Anthony out of that comfortable feeling and into a much more lustful headspace.

"Hi," Anthony replied softly, resting his head on Jaden's shoulder, moving closer to him to the point he was almost sitting in his lap. Jaden smiled while the younger boy slowly shifted around, trying to get comfortable. He had finally had enough of him rustling around, so he decided to just grab his hips and pull him close, eliciting a whimper from Anthony as he slowly realized what Jaden's intent was.

"B-but, Josh, and G-Griffin!" Anthony yelped out as Jaden held his hips down against his lap, slowly shifting him forward and back, using one hand to softly stroke up and down his leg. He let out a slight whine as he slowly grew hard at the friction caused by him rubbing against Jaden's jeans.

"Don't worry," he stated cooly, running the hand which was previously on his thigh up against his stomach and beneath his sweatshirt, leading to Anthony gasping at the cool sensation. But that didn't discourage Jaden, not at all. So without warning, he slid the sweatpants that belonged to Josh off his body, causing Anthony to let out a series of panicked whines.

"But they will see! And be mad!" Anthony shouted, but couldn't help the moan he released. He was human, how else was he supposed to react to the pleasure he was receiving. Jaden moved his hands, so they were now wrapped around his waist, not forcing him to grind down on his thigh, more just guiding him at this point. Anthony was so close to reaching his high, and that was the moment Josh and Griffin walked down the stairs.

"You want to explain why you're humping my boyfriend's leg?" Griffin said with a smirk, walking towards the two boys sitting on the couch. Josh followed close behind him, a look of anger on his face, but it was mostly masked by the lust running through his veins. Griffin, being the stronger of the two, looped his arms under Anthony's armpits, pulling him up off of Jaden's lap. He was whining and thrashing about, upset that he didn't get to release. But he had tears pricking his eyes. He was afraid that one Josh would be mad and would want to break up, and two, that Griffin would beat the living shit out of him.

"I'm sorry!" Anthony cried out, panic enveloping him as he tried to shake out of Griffin's arms. Griffin felt bad seeing the small boys panic, knowing that it was most likely Jaden who insinuated the actions. So without thinking twice, he swooped him fully into his arms so he was carrying him like a baby. He hated seeing Anthony worried and upset, but Josh and Griffin needed to teach the boys a lesson. A lesson on how to not touch things that didn't belong to them.

Josh grabbed Jaden's arm, who struggled against his grasp as he dragged him behind him. Griffin took the lead and began walking up the stairs with Josh following close behind. The two boys were planning on teaching them that lesson in a way they wouldn't forget. Once the four boys were in the room, Josh was quick to shut the door and lock it behind him. Josh let go of Jaden's arm, grabbing the little black remote and pressing the red button, causing the lights in the room to glow red. Griffin dropped Anthony back on the bed, watching as fear and embarrassment flooded his face.

"Go ahead," Griffin said with a smile, shoving Jaden by his arm so he fell on the bed next to Anthony.

"What?" Anthony whimpered out, looking up at the boys towering above him.

"Continue what you were doing before. Griffin and I decided that we wanted to watch," Josh stated, grabbing a chair from the corner of the room and positioning it in front of the bed. Tired of sitting and waiting for the boys to make a move, Griffin picked Anthony up, setting him on top of Jaden's lap. He then moved Jaden's arms, so they were wrapped around Anthony's shaking body. Finally coming to his senses and realizing what the hell was happening, Jaden gently guided Anthony's hips back and forth on his thigh, leading to Anthony letting out a string of gentle moans. He was back at his peak of pleasure, but he was afraid to cum, knowing that his and Jaden's boyfriends were sitting right there watching them basically cheat on each other.

"Just let go, Anthony, since that will be the only pleasurable thing about the rest of tonight," Griffin stated calmly, a slight smirk forming on his face as he thought about what would happen after the two boys were done. Griffin and Josh knew about what was going on downstairs about 5 minutes before they confronted the boys. Let's just say Anthony wasn't exactly the definition of quiet. With that being said, the boy grinding against Jaden's thigh reached his high, falling back against his body as he let out a string of pants.

"Ok, now that you've had your fun, stand up," Josh growled out, pulling Anthony and Jaden up by their arms. Griffin quickly sat down on the bed, yanking Anthony down so he was lying across his lap. When they talked earlier, Josh and Griffin decided that it would be most effective if they punished the opposite partner, that way it would eliminate any sense of security the boys had.

"What are you doing!" Anthony shrieked, trying to push himself out of Griffin's lap as he pulled down his underwear.

"You're getting spanked, and before you whine and cry, trust me you deserve it," Josh said whilst he grabbed a bag of beads that sat on a shelf in the room. He poured them all over the ground, before pulling down Jadens pants and forcing him to kneel on the pieces of plastic.

"Ow! What the fuck Josh!" He yelled, feeling the beads dig into his skin as he sat there.

"If you don't want to be punished, don't touch what's not your," Josh stated simply, moving over to Griffin, wanting to watch his boyfriend get spanked. Griffin cracked his hand down against Anthony's ass, leading to him letting out a not so masculine scream.

     After many spanks and slaps later, Anthony was left in tears, clinging harshly on Griffin's shoulder, desperately wanting to calm down. Josh pulled Jaden up to stand, satisfied with the circular marks imprinted all over his knees.

"Well maybe you shouldn't touch what isn't yours," Josh stated softly as the boys all curled up in the bed, Jaden was on the end, followed by Griffin, then Anthony, and finally at the other end was Josh. The four were all cuddled together, all the boys especially paying attention to Anthony, as he was still crying.

"You know what? Maybe we should be polyamorous," Griffin said with a slight giggle, enveloping Jaden and Anthony in his arms as Josh did the same.


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