♡Anthony x Jaden♡

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     Anxiety pulsed through Jaden's veins as he walked along the sidewalk, passing by houses and trees as he did so. Today was the day. The day he decided to man up and tell his best friend how he truly feels. He could bile rising in his throat, as he tried to swallow any regret or anxiety. He wasn't even sure if Anthony was gay! And even if the boy was, there was no guarantee that he would like him back. What if Anthony was disgusted by Jaden, and thought that gays should burn in hell? He'd never actually came out to Anthony, which was another factor in his panic attack as he continued to the shorter boy's house. He fidgeted with his fingers, looking at his shoes and kicking rocks that lay astray on the sidewalk.

    Meanwhile, Anthony was pacing his room, he walked back and forth so many times he could have burned footprints into his floor. The problem that plagued his mind was simple, how was he supposed to tell his dad he was gay? He had no clue what his parent's opinion on being gay was, they never showed strong signs of supporting it or being homophobic. His breath grew shallow and his tears fell hard and fast, making his vision blurry.

     There was a light knock on Anthony's door, making him jump in shock and try to quickly wipe away his tears.

"Y-yes?" He said softly, feeling too weak to speak in anything louder than a whisper.

"Your mom heard you crying and sent me up here, so what's going on sport?" Anthony's dad said while opening his door quietly, and taking a seat on the edge of Anthony's bed. Anthony's head practically hammered as he debated whether to tell his dad his dilemma. He took a deep shaking breath before speaking.

"Dad, I-I'm... I'm g-gay" Anthony said, his voice wavering as he pushed himself to the corner of the room. He watched his father stand up, a look of what seemed to be disgust! Which caused Anthony's stomach to burn with bubbling anxiety.

"You're what!" His father yelled, making Anthony flinch and back up farther. He dug his fingernails into his palm, quietly wincing at the sharp feeling, but the pain quickly subsided into comfort. It was an old habit, and he knew it was unhealthy, yet he never seemed to grow out of it.

"Y-yes dad, I l-like boys..." he muttered, not wanting to meet his father's snarling face.

"Get out" his father spoke, his words solid and loud, bringing fear to Anthony. Anthony sat against the wall dumbfounded by what his dad had just said.

"I said get the fuck out you fag!" He yelled, stomping his foot on the ground. Anthony quickly scurried to his feet, grabbing his phone off of his bed and dashing toward his bedroom door. He opened it and ran, ignoring his mother's pleas to tell her what's wrong as he passed the kitchen. He opened the front door and left, shivering as the cold nipped at his bare chest. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a pair of Nike shoes that were messily slipped on. He was freezing, but he continued to viciously pump his legs, looking down at the ground as he ran farther and farther from the house he used to call home.

     Out of nowhere, Anthony smacked into a hard object and fell to the ground. He wiped his eyes quickly, sniffling away the tears before looking up to see what he had run into.

     Towering over him was Jaden, a look of worry present on his gentle features. Jaden quickly offered a hand to help him up. When he pulled him up, Anthony fell into his chest, sobbing quietly. Jaden wrapped his arms around Anthony, confusion filling his head. Why was his best friend sobbing in his chest?

      Jaden couldn't help but notice how cold the boy in his arms was, his skin was chilled and his tears were like ice water.

"Anthony, what happened?" He asked calmly pulling him closer to him.

"C-can we g-go t-to your huh-house puh-please?" Anthony sobbed, looking up at Jaden with eyes filled with tears. Jaden quickly nodded, an idea blossoming in his head.

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