♡Bryce x Tayler♡

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🌸✨Secrets are no fun✨🌸

    Bryce, Josh, Griffin, Jaden, and Quinton sat on the large comfortable couch in the living room of the house

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    Bryce, Josh, Griffin, Jaden, and Quinton sat on the large comfortable couch in the living room of the house. They had been mindlessly watching TV for hours, getting more bored by the minute as they fidgeted with different items around them and played on their phones.

"We need to find something else to do," Josh sighed as he sat up from previously lying across the couch, he cracked his back and his knuckles as he adjusted. Everyone agreed, also sitting up and turning off the TV as their boredom became more apparent. They'd been sat here for about 2 hours and they had finally had enough of doing practically nothing.

"We could fuck around and make tik toks outside?" Jaden suggested while looking up from his phone. Everyone shrugged in response, standing up off of the couch and making their way to the glass door that led to the backyard, shuffling out onto the deck.

"Yo it's kind of cold, I'm going to go grab my hoodie real quick," Bryce stated while slipping back through the door, and quickly jogging towards the staircase. He scampered up the stairs as he made his way to his bedroom, wanting to grab the hoodie that he knew was sitting on top of his bed. 

    When he got to the top of the steps, he physically halted as a sickeningly sweet scent wafted through the air. Bryce tilted his head in confusion, even though Anthony and Kio were both omegas, he didn't think they were in heat. Especially because if they were, Griffin would be pawning after Kio, and Josh and Jaden would be with Anthony every second of the next few days. You see, they were mates. Bryce couldn't help but wonder if one of the boys forgot about their mate's heat, but that didn't seem probable. And Tayler was an alpha, so that meant he probably had some bitch over.

    Bryce huffed out an annoyed groan and walked back down the stairs without grabbing his hoodie. It's not that he was mad that one of the boys was in heat, although he didn't want to be kept up by moans all night. He also wasn't mad that Tayler might have some bitch over, it's just that the smell of heat would be a constant reminder of the fact that he was one of the only boys in the house without a mate. Bryce stomped down the last few steps, slowly becoming more frustrated. He walked back outside, composing himself briefly so the boys couldn't tell he was upset. 

"Yo, which one of your bitches are in heat," he grumbled out, almost instantly regretting indirectly calling Kio and Anthony bitches.

"You did not just call Anthony a bitch, I'm going to beat the sh-" Josh began, shooting up off of the chair by the pool and rushing over to Bryce, ready to beat the shit out of him. But he was cut off by Jaden grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling him back.

"Look, we'll beat the shit out of him later, but for right now let's figure out who's in heat," Griffin stated calmly, walking through the back door and motioning for all the boys to follow him. Josh and Jaden complied with a grumble, meanwhile, Quinton just walked behind them, wanting to see the drama unfold. They all made their way up the staircase, briefly gathering at the top of it to discuss what they were going to do.

"Ok so Jaden and Josh, you go check Anthony. Griffin check Kio, and I'll check if Tayler has a girl over. And Quinton, you can stand here for emotional support," Bryce rushed out, dismissing all of the boys to go check on their, as he called it, 'bitches'.

    Jaden and Josh walked into Anthony's room, gently pushing the door open. They both mentally awed as they saw Anthony curled up in bed, clad in Jaden's hoodie and clutching a pillow between his arms as if it were a person. The two boys softly sat down on the edge of his bed, placing a comforting hand on his thigh and shaking softly to wake him up.

"Why wake me up?" He whined in a baby voice, ducking his head into his pillow.

"I know this sounds weird baby, but are you in heat?" Jaden cooed softly.

"No, wait does it seem like I am!?" Anthony shot up in a panic, looking back and forth between his partners.

"No! It's just that it smells like heat and Bryce wants to figure out who it is. But I'm mad at Bryce right now," Josh said with a smile, sliding an arm under his legs and the other on his back. He picked Anthony up, despite his whines.

"Why, I wanna sleep," Anthony moaned out, ducking his head into Josh's shoulder.

"I don't want you to have to listen to whoever the hell it is moaning all morning," Jaden smiled, the three of them leaving the room. They walked down the stairs, laying Anthony on the couch and cuddling up with him. Meanwhile, Griffin walked into Kio's room, seeing him sitting at his desk playing Fortnite on his computer. When he saw Griffin walk through the door, he took his headphones off, turning his chair around to face him.

"What's up?" Kio said softly, watching as Griffin flopped down on his bed. Griffin sighed softly, motioning for Kio to come close to him. He complied, standing up and walking toward his bed. Griffin pulled him close, gently smelling his neck and quickly realizing it wasn't Kio who was in heat.

"Bryce says someone's in heat, and he made me check and see if it was you. Anyways, do you want to go make TikTok's outside?" Griffin asked calmly, receiving a nod from Kio. The two stood up, walking out of Kio's bedroom and motioning for Quinton to follow them as they walked down the stairs.

     Bryce's jaw dropped as he opened Tayler's door, not seeing a girl under Tayler or any variation of that situation. Instead, he saw him cowering under the comforter in an attempt to hide. Bryce felt a wave of lust wash over him, along with the need to protect.

"Tayler? What's going on?" Bryce questioned gently, walking towards his bed, being met by the intense smell of heat. He was in shock, he could hardly believe that Tayler was an omega. Bryce felt somewhat betrayed that Tayler hadn't told him, and just lied and said he was an Alpha.

"Don't be mad, p-please," Tayler whined, backing away from Bryce as he tried to stand up. He felt the overwhelming urge to run and to get as far away from him as possible in case he was extremely upset about him lying. He was deathly afraid, but also felt a sense of relief as he realized he wouldn't have to hide it anymore. Tayler overestimated how hard it would be to keep his dynamic hidden, especially from Bryce.

"I'm not mad, I promise," Bryce cooed, wrapping his arms around Tayler to prevent him from running off. He was actually kind of glad that Tayler was an omega since he had been crushing hard on him for the past few months, and also, he wouldn't be one of the only ones in the house without a mate. The omega whimpered at the feeling of Bryce's arms around his waist, the effects of his heat suddenly hitting him like a ton of bricks.

"Help!" Tayler yelped out as Bryce slowly pushed him back onto the bed.

"Help with what?" Bryce said with a smug expression on his face, he knew exactly what he wanted, but he wanted to hear him beg for it.

"Heat, please!" He cried out, looking up at Bryce with pleading eyes. With that being said, Bryce pulled off both of their shirts and proceeded to take off their pants.

"Let's get it started," he spoke with a wild grin.


Hi! I feel bad because this was requested almost a month ago... but I finally got it done!

Also, I have a new book called 'tik tok bxb crack' 

It's basically a book where I publish short stories that I don't feel like making into books (probably about 5-10 chapters long) and also things that are too long to be considered one-shots!

It would mean a lot to me if you checked it out! : )

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