♡Miscellaneous ship drabbles pt.2♡

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♡Jaden x Josh♡

     Josh and Jaden were walking together through the ice and snow, hands shoved deep into the pockets of their coats in an attempt to keep them warm while out in the cold. They wanted to get some fresh air together, deciding it would be great to go on a walk after being cooped up in the house for the past few days due to the freezing temperatures. Jaden's eyes were wide as he looked at the snow. He never really got to see snow because he lived in California, but he was with Josh visiting his family and friends in Canada.

"Your face is freaking adorable, I bet the rest of you is too," Josh commented with a smirk, watching as Jaden practically froze in his place. His cheeks grew red and warm despite the bitter cold surrounding him.

"Are you...blushing?" Josh asked smugly, watching as Jaden tried to snap out of it and continue on.

"What? No!" He was quick to shoot back, letting out a huff beneath his breath, watching as the fog released from his lips.

"Did I get the ever stoic, hardcore, total badass Jaden to blush?" He continued taunting, watching as the blush was traveling down Jaden's neck and to his ears.

"N-no! It's the c-cold," Jaden stuttered, biting his lip and looking around, pretending that nothing happened.

"You sure it's cold and not the fact that I told you you were adorable?" Josh smiled, turning to face Jaden.

"N-no," he muttered while looking down at his shoes, his voice cracking as he did so.

♡Tayler x Bryce♡

     The two had been through a lot, both on their own, as well as when they were together. Recently, Bryce had been engaging in self-destructive behavior, he had been practically destroying himself through his habits of self-harm and reckless alcohol and drug abuse.

     Tayler and Bryce were cuddled together on the couch, Bryce nuzzled between Tayler's arms, the older boys fingers dancing up and down his skin, tracing the curves of his body and eventually making his way to Bryce's arms. He let out a sigh as he felt the bumps of his scars that ran up and down the length of his skin.

"I thought you qu-" Tayler began in a worried tone but was cut off by Bryce quickly snapping back at him.

"Why does it matter!" He yelled, trying to push away from Tayler but being held down.

"Because I can't lose you. For god sake, not you. I lost so many people. But you? No. I don't care what I have to do. I will keep you safe," Tayler said in a strong voice, tears pricking his eyes.

"Tayler?" Bryce replied meekly, finally stopping his struggle against his hold.

"Yeah?" He replied, his voice shaky and wavering as he tried to calm down.

"Promise me I won't lose you in the process," Bryce swallowed as he spoke to Tayler. Yes, it was great that his boyfriend cared so much, but he didn't want to lose him in the process.

"I'll do my best," he looked at Bryce longingly as he said it.

♡Griffin x Anthony♡ (please don't drag me for putting him in the one-shot. Like I deadass can't handle it at the moment)

     Anthony suddenly stood in front of the TV in Griffin's bedroom, interrupting him from playing his videogames.

"Anthony?" Griffin asked as he slid his headphones off of one ear to see what the younger boy needed. After Anthony continued to stand there, making no indication that he was about to speak, Griffin pauses his game and fully took off his headphones.

"Yo, you good?" Griffin questioned, raising an eyebrow as Anthony stood still, looking down at the carpet and biting at his lip in anxiety.

"Uh, I just think you're really pretty!" Anthony blushed as he flickered his eyes between Griffin's surprised face and his shoes.

"...Oh my god," Griffin commented, his eyes going wide and his mouth opening.

"Wait, that was a bad idea. Okay uh-" Anthony began, trying to find some sort of way to string together an apology that would justify the words that just came out of his mouth.

"No, no, it's just...wow that was wholesome, oh my god. You're too precious for this world," Griffin smiled, opening his arms and motioning for Anthony to come closer and settle between his arms. He shyly stepped forward, letting out a happy sigh as he felt Griffin hug him.


Please don't drag me for putting Anthony in this.

⚠trigger warning⚠

I don't know what to do. My mental health has just gone to shit in the last week. It's like I'm at the point that I don't want to kill myself, but I just don't want to be alive. Like yes the idea of killing myself scares me shitless and I'm too afraid to tell any of my friends because I'm afraid they wouldn't care, or they'd think I was joking. But I feel like I'm dying inside. So if anyone has any coping mechanisms you recommend please let me know. Because writing used to be my coping mechanism, but now it's turning into a source of guilt and negativity.

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