Chapter 12

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"I'm a what?" I asked, confused. I was a werewolf, and nothing more. I had no clue what my parent's were talking about. They sounded a bit crazy to me.

"An Ayrle Phoenix," Mom repeated.

"What's that?" 

She sighed. "This is going to sound really unbelievable at first. But you need to listen to what we're going to tell you,"

"I... Okay?" I replied. 

"Have you noticed anything weird happening to you? Anything that you couldn't explain?" My dad spoke up. I relayed the past weeks in my mind, and I noticed several "weird things". For one, there was Julian, who I think is totally possessed by something. Second was that dream with the lady.

"I've had this weird dream. I can't- I can't really explain it properly. And the man who took me... he was acting odd," I told her. Mainly, I was eager to know what the hell an Ayrle Phoenix was.

My mother smiled warmly. "The dream's are the first signs!" She said laughed, looked at my father. They smiled at each other.

"First signs to what?" I snapped. I was getting beyond irritated. I wish they could just hurry up and tell me without wasting time. I needed to know badly.

"To becoming an Ayrle Phoenix," She said.

"What is an Ayrle Phoenix mom! Tell me!" I yelled.

My dad looked at me, ignoring that I just yelled at his mate. "They're born every two hundred years. They're meant to fix something bad in the world-. You're the Ayrle Phoenix, Raven. You're very important to the werewolf world,"

"H-How do you know I'm this A-Ayrle Phoenix?" I asked. Oh god, this is unreal. How could I be somebody who is supposed to 'fix something in the world' when I can't even fix myself. Sure I had one weird dream, but that doens't mean I'm an Ayrle Phoenix.

"When you were gone, Alpha Ben had some specialized pack members look in your room. To find any clue to where you were taken. We unfortunately couldn't find anything to help us find you- but we found something else. There was a mark - made of gold - forming on the ceiling of your room. It was half way finished forming. A month after you were gone, the mark was fully formed. Raven, it was the mark of and Ayrle Phoenix,"

"So what! Somebody could have placed it there! It doesn't mean anything-" 

"Nobody could have. We had the whole house guarded! Also, when we moved to the pack house when I became Alpha, the mark followed us. Look at the ceiling Raven," My mother ordered.

It was there, in the living room ceiling.

The mark was made of gold, just as my parent's had described it. It wasn't that big, meaning it didn't span across the whole ceiling. It was a line. On both sides of the line, left and right, there was one swirl. In the middle of the mark there were two parallel lines. I'll admit the mark was beautiful. I wonder why I didn't notice it before when I came in the room.

"How do you know its the mark of an Ayrle Phoenix?" I asked, with my eyes still widened with shocked.

"The mark is in our history books honey," My mother said, holding my hand.


"I know, it's overwhelming. Your father and I were so shocked when we found out," She said, but I hardly acknowledged her words.

I couldn't believe it. Not only was I a damn werewolf, but an Ayrle Phoenix. Did this mean I was a hybrid? I decided to ask my father.

"Yes, you're a hybrid of a werewolf and a phoenix. Like a were-phoenix. Except the correct term is Ayrle Phoenix," He told me. I was astoinished. This couldn't be real... 

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