Chapter 8

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The air was getting colder, but luckily I had Griffin's sweater to keep me warm. Moonlight shone on us and made the sidewalk that we were walking on, brighter. People walked in front of us, sideways, and back. I was surrounded, I felt safe.

I coulnd't tell exactly how long we walked, but I knew it was a long time. When I looked a bit upwards, I could see a huge building that was only a few feet away. Athea explained to me that it was a hotel we were staying in for the night. 

I couldn't wait to get inside the hotel room and go to sleep after I've eaten something. I was so tired that as I walked, my eyes were beginning to close. My heart felt heavy and my limbs were sore. My skin was bruised from previous things Julian had done to me. I could see scratched on my arms, thighs. When we reached the hotel I wanted to have somebody tend to them. 

The pack was chatting quietly amongst themselves while I was silent the whole trip. I guess I was just lost in my thoughts. I wondered where we were. If we were in a state, if not, what country? Canada? Mexico? Or some other continent. Julian could have brought me anywhere.

I did know the packs name, I heard Julian say it one. It was familiar, but I had no clue where that pack resided. 

I nudged Athea's side. "Yeah?" She asked. She looked tired aswell. Her green eyes looked dull and sunken, meaning she wanted to sleep. I hear her yawning earlier too. It's the same for me too, girl.

"Where did Julian keep me all this time What was the place's name?" I asked, hoping that she had the answer. She must know, I mean she did come to the place to get me.

"Did you guys ever move around? I mean did he take you anywhere?" She replied with a question of her own. Her green eyes became more alert. She was curious, I bet they all were.

"No, I stayed inside the basement the whole time,"

"Oh, well, it was pretty far away from your home. You were in California," My home, my pack, was in Arizona. So I was one state away. I wondered if my parents looked for me in California. If they somehow  were passing by and walked right pass the pack house I was in. I frowned thinking about it.

My stomach growled and pain shot through it. I almost doubled over. The pain was intense, and I'm pretty sure it came because of my empty stomach and the fact that I was running. 

A warm hand pressed on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Griffin looking at me with concern in his bright green eyes. "What's wrong?" 

"My stomach... it's just hurting since I haven't eaten for a long time," I answered.

"I can get you food. You should've asked earlier when you were hungry." He said, turning to the crowd of people. He yelled, "Hey! Anybody got food for Raven?" Tons of people said no, but one shouted yes. She came forward with a bag in her hand.

"It's not much, but I hope it helps! You must be starving," She said, smiling at me.

"I am, and thank you," I took the bag of food from her and she walked back to her friend. I opened the bag and immediately saw the various chocolate bars and chip bags. My mouth instantly watered just by staring at them. I ripped the wrapper of a chocolate bar, not even noticing which one it was. 

I hadn't tasted chocolate for a very long time. It tasted delicious, like heaven. Julian always gave me repitive food, so it was incredible to have chocolate. I shoved it all in my mouth and savoured the taste.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Griffin smirking, trying to hold in his laughter. My cheeks grew red. I felt embarrassed.

Next I opened the chips bag. They were barbeque, my favourite. I ate those too, my stomache becoming fuller with every bite. I felt content by having something good to eat, especially if it was chocolate and chips. 

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