Chapter 7

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"Follow me, and stay close. Try your best not to make noise. We need to go deep inside the forest, there I'll call the other's and we can leave," The man said. I nodded in response, and followed behind him as he led me through the forest.

There was no sun shining through the trees, and I was freezing. I wasn't covered up, and I could see the goose bumps on my arms. I hugged myself tightly and walked in the chilly air. 

I felt petrified and on edge. Julian's pack could come out of nowhere and take me again. They could be lurking around the forest, knowing I'm in here, and waiting for the right time to strike. My heart was beating a million times a minute, and my palms were growing sweaty when I thought about Julian's pack.

The stranger walking in front of me couldn't help me either. It was one werewolf against a whole pack. Odds were the man would lose and I'd be going back to the basement. I sighed loudly, I wanted this day to end and I wanted to get home. 

There was a chance they could figure out I'm in here. This whole day has been about chance's and taking risk's. I just hope my risks are worth it, that I come out alive and go to my parents. I wanted to see them so badly.

A horrible snap of a twig sounded through the forest and I whimpered... was it them? The man in front of me turned around. "Relax, it was just me," He said. 

"O-okay," I replied, my voice shaking because I was still freaked out. He probably thought I was stupid for being afraid of a twig snapping. It didn't matter though, let him think what he wants. I shouldn't care.

After twenty minutes of walking, my legs were aching and I was questioning the mans true intentions. Was he actually saving me? Or was he taking me in the woods for his own gain? I swallowed the lump in my throat and spoke out to him.

"How much longer?" I asked. He stopped walking and turned around to me for what felt like the billionth time. We both had stopped in an opening in the woods. The dirt was brown, dry and thin. The air was still chilly and night was approaching. Around the opening was several pine trees. I also noticed huge bags on the dirt ground. I guessed it was the packs, the pack that came to take me home.

"We're here. Can you shift?" He asked the dreading question. No, I probably wouldn't be able to shift. I haven't done it years... and my werewolf genes were fading. It was sort of likely that I could shift, but it would hurt like hell and take a long time. Plus, there were special herbs you needed to eat in order to shift. You can't get them in the forest, only in special medical shops.

"I can't. I haven't shifted in a long time,"

"What, why?" 

"I-I he said I couldn't shift and I haven't in three years," I replied hesitantly. I wondered why he was even asking. Wasn't it obvious what Julian had done to me? I was a weak malnourished werewolf who's probably lost most of her werewolf genes, if not all. All that's left are some of my enhanced senses, and they're not even perfect like they should be.

"Okay," He said, frowning. When he positioned himself on his hands and feet on the ground, I immediately knew what he was doing. I walked back as he started. To shift you had to concentrate on transforming. In your mind you have to imagine yourself as the wolf, you have to imagine the hair growing on you. You have to feel your bones realigning. Basically you have to imagine every feature possible about your wolf, and when you do, you start shifting.

I backed up as he stayed on the floor. He hung his face down to concentrate, and his blonde hair swept over his forehead, shadowing his green eyes. I watched from a distance as his shifting started. 

At first he was slowly shaking, it was nothing big. Then his head snapped up, and his eyes glowed yellow with two fangs hanging out of his mouth. His skin got saturated with sweat as he started shaking, his bones were ready to rearrange themselves and hair was ready to sprout.

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