MTF(37): 73/74

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Part 2| MTF(73) 280
4 months later 👶🏻 24 wks

"Can we just talk about how lucky Peter got!?",Alex sat down next to me with a huff,"You're still you,but Belle is a fucking monster!"

I laughed,"You volunteered."

"Yeah,because I wanted to show Darla that I'm ready when she is.",he ruffled his hair,"I'm never doing that shit again."

It's been four months since I've made up with Ari. Things were going so well for us that a week later I decided to try to patch things up with Annabelle. Turns out that she's pregnant too and that was why she was so quick to think Blake cheated on her. Of course has mates she would know if he did,but apparently a pregnant mind is a crazy mind. Alex wasn't lying when he said she was like a monster.

Blake and Belle always fight and with her being pregnant they fight even more. Hopefully for Blake's sanity she'll mellow out once the baby comes. I haven't got any irrational hormones yet. Peter says it's because I'm already crazy so the baby isn't changing anything. I know he's secretly gunning for my pregnancy to be a crazy free one.

"Where is your mate?"

"He's at his desk working on something."

"I think he's being dramatic bringing his work here. Lenny's house isn't that far."

"He wants to be has close as he can.", I shrugged,"I'm not going to try to stop him. He'll get more work done anyhow knowing he doesn't have to worry about me."

"I still can't believe he's Alpha."

"He's the right age for it and technically he's not the Alpha yet."

My uncle wanted to slowly hand over the responsibilities to Peter. Originally Richard was supposed to be Alpha, but that obviously didn't work out. My uncle wants to make sure he can handle the position before he gives it fully to him. I know that he will be able to when the time comes. Peter isn't the same man anymore.

"I should get back to him. I was just checking Instagram."

"How've they taken it?"

"Surprisingly well.", I got up from my seat.

I waited until two months ago to announce my pregnancy. I was twenty four weeks and I was scared that putting it out there would change everything.It was not only my followers opinions of me, but my sponsors as well that made me afraid. I was so used to running my social media accounts that I wouldn't know what job I would qualify for.

Now I've gotten more sponsors and my followers were still loyal has ever. Peter didn't understand what I do for a living,he didn't have to. I know that the only reason he didn't like it was because he didn't like other people seeing me. He even made me change my last name on my accounts to his. I found it adorable that it bothered him so much.

I didn't tell him I thought that though. My followers bombarded me with wedding comments after I changed it. It was funny at first. Peter loved that ,"no man would think of going near", me knowing I was with him. Of course I had to ruin his fun and told them we weren't getting married.

There was no point in getting married. The more I learned about being a werewolf the more I didn't think it was necessary. The mark Peter wore on his neck was enough to ward off other women unless they were stupid or human. I would know instantly if he cheated on me anyway. We even smelled of each other.

Having mates was the best thing for a person with commitment issues. I was scared of relationships before. Now that I know that I have a soulmate who is perfect for me there is nothing to be afraid of. I don't need a ring to know that Peter and I are a forever thing. So I changed my name to make him happy.

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