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Chapter Ten:

(D I M W I T T E D   T A C T I C S)

"But we just need you to do this one thing for us!" Came Fred's voice for the hundredth time.

"For the last time Fred I am not going to put your name into that blasted cup." Artemis muttered not moving her eyes from her book of A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration.

"No! We're not asking you to do that!" Exclaimed George.

"Then what?" She asked finally raising her gaze to find the two looking at her expectantly.

"We want you to brew us an aging potion!" Fred said followed by George. "Just to age us a couple of months."

"And you think this will work against an age line created by one of the greatest wizards to ever live?" She asked them slowly gauging their reactions. They both nodded all too cheerfully.

"That is exactly why it will work! Because it is so simple that Dumbledore wouldn't have predicted someone to use such a dim witted tactic!" George said looking proud of himself. They must've seen the look on the black haired witch's face as they began pleading earning them a "Shhh" from Madam Pince.

"Alright. I'll brew you one." Artemis said finally giving in with a sigh as they exclaimed and high fived each other making Madam Pince chase them out of the library.


The dark haired witch stood amongst the crowd gathered around the Goblet Of Fire as she watched the twins run in, arm in arm. She watched them parading around announcing how genius they were for coming up with the idea and brewing the potion themselves.

Hermione tried to reason with them but they gave her the same answer that they had given Artemis. When Hermione went in to argue, Artemis placed her arm on her shoulder shaking her head. Let them do it. She mouthed as Hermione looked at the black haired witch quizzically but shrugged.

"Bottoms up!" She heard them say as they drank it and stepped inside the line, the crowd cheering as they did so. They proceeded to put their names into the Goblet, followed by another loud cheer when suddenly they were thrown across the room.

They stood up disoriented as they looked at each other. The whole room erupted with laughter at their foot long white beards.

"Watch out guys! Even Dumbledore might be jealous of your beards!" Artemis snickered as she left the room with a flick of her straight hair. She might or might not have tweaked their potion a little bit. Maybe a lot. Serves them right for claiming they brewed the potion themselves. She thought to herself.


Artemis sat at the Slytherin table with Lilanna as they awaited the names of the champions to be called. Fred and George were back to normal thanks to Madam Pomfrey, though she was quite impressed by their white whiskers too. They sat at the Gryffindor table occasionally shooting her glares to which they recived a shrug from the dark haired witch.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is...Fleur Delacour!" The entire Beauxbatons team cheered as Fleur stood up, curtseyed and glided towards the front followed by quite a few wolf whistles from the boys as she turned around and winked at them.

"The champion for Durmstrang is...Viktor Krum!" The hall erupted with even louder cheers as almost the entire hall cheered for him. Artemis could see Ron clapping as well, as Hermione glared at him.

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