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Chapter Twenty-Seven:

( S E C R E T S   U N V I E L E D )

( S E C R E T S   U N V I E L E D )

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"Who are you?"

There was a stretched silence for the next few minutes. Nobody spoke as the green eyed witch watched the newcomers with a lost look on her face. She watched the newcomer's face fill with varying emotions. George's face first filled with shock, followed by panic and then worry as his gaze settled on his twin's face. His twin still stood rooted to his spot, a few feet away from her bed when suddenly laughter filled the room.

They watched still shocked as the dark haired witch laughed heartily, her eyes crinkling and nose scrunching up.

"I'm joking you dimwits!" She said amidst her laughter.

Fred Weasley heaved the heaviest sigh of his life as he ran to his girlfriend who welcomed him with arms opened wide. George Weasley still stood on his spot shocked.

"That wasn't funny, Artemis!" Fred said annoyed but still relieved she hadn't suffered a memory loss.

"Yeah? So wasn't you two pretending to be kidnapped!" She said sticking her tongue out at him.

"That was in our fourth year!" George Weasley exclaimed.

"Now, now is that how you talk to a patient?" She said clicking her tongue. George shook his head as he engulfed her in a hug too.

"Are you okay, love?" Fred asked concerned. She looked him in the eye to see his filled with worry. She nodded slowly her eyes losing the mischief they held.

"What happened?" Fred asked. She looked around the room, too conscious to talk about her visions in front of Molly and George. She loved and trusted them, she did, but she wasn't sure if she wanted them to know just yet. Molly understanding the look in her eyes, quickly ushered George out to leave the couple alone to talk.

"Sirius he's...gone, isn't he?" She asked slowly already knowing the answer. Fred nodded.

"You were getting visions? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I wanted to...but I was scared the letters would get intercepted. I tried to tell Harry, warn him but he wouldn't listen and then Umbridge came and—"

"You gave her quite a colorful vocabulary, didn't you?" He asked with a small smile. She blushed.

"She was being an ass. But when I turned around, Harry was gone and then I heard a voice, not the one I usually get but a different one. It was called Nagini and she was telling me not to mess with her master's plan and there was this splitting headache, it felt like being in a trance and my voice was speaking too, it was called Manasa and they were both arguing and they called me an Ophidian and-and...Am I going crazy, Fred?" The dark haired witch whispered tearily to her lover.

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