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Chapter Seventeen:

(H E ' S   D E A D)

The moment Artemis awoke this morning, from whatever little sleep she could garner, she felt dread like she'd never before. Something bad was going to happen and it was going to happen today. She didn't know how she knew or why she knew but she just did. She'd walked into the Great Hall in the morning to get breakfast as usual, sitting beside Fred when her eyes landed on Cedric laughing with his housemates and suddenly she saw a flash before her as she dropped the spoon she was holding.

"Love, are you okay?" Fred had said followed by Amy and Hermione asking if she was okay but she couldn't hear anything not when she'd seen what she had. Her ears were ringing and her eyesight blurred. Cedric. Not laughing with his friends but the way my parents had seemed the last time I'd seen them—eyes open wide and mouth hung open. Dead.

"I'm going to find Dumbledore." Was all she managed to get out as she made a dash for it, no doubt creating a scene but she didn't care, I had to. She was panting by the time she reached in front of his office.

As she stood in front of the gargoyle guarding their Headmaster's office she realized that she didn't know the password. Shit.

"Sherbet Lemon?" She muttered in a feeble attempt. The gargoyle did not move. "Umm Pear Drop! Licorice Wands! Er—Fizzing whizbee. Drooble's Best Blowing Gum. Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean...oh wait no he doesn't like those...oh just open, can't you? I need to see him it's urgent!" She muttered angrily but the gargoyle still remained unmoving.

"Chocolate Frog!" She yelled angrily. "Sugar Quill! Freaking Cockroach Cluster!"

The gargoyle sprang to life and jumped aside. Artemis blinked. It's Cockroach Cluster? She had only been joking! She hurriedly made her way through the gap in the walls as she stepped onto the foot of the spiral stonecase which slowly moved upwards revealing an old oak door with a brass handle.

She could hear voices inside conversing which sounded much like Cornelius Fudge and Professor Dumbledore. She waited a while before she became impatient and throwing all caution aside, burst through the door. Fudge was in the middle of saying something as he stopped and stared at her in shock.

"I'm sorry for interrupting Professor but it is urgent." Artemis said all in one breath. Professor Dumbledore nodded at her.

"Please retract the tournament, Professor. Someone–Someone's going to die today! And I-I think I know who it is. Please Professor you have to believe me!" She said pleadingly.

"Someone's going to die? Is-Is this some kind of joke to you miss?! The Triwizard Tournament is a matter of utmost importance and it has been heavily guarded! Are you questioning the capability of the Ministry–" Fudge began going red in the face but he was cut off as Professor Dumbledore motioned him with his hands to keep shut.

"Now, Miss Rosier, why would you say that?" He asked calmly.

"I-I saw dreams, Professor–" She was cut off by Fudge again.

"Why are we still entertaining this, Albus? She is by all means only trying to stir trouble where there isn't any! Tell me girl, are you jealous that you weren't chosen as the Hogwarts Champion? Is that why you're so adamant on the tournament being cancelled? You didn't win so nobody else gets to—typical Slytherin characteristic–"

"No! I would never! Cedric and Harry are my friends!" The dark haired witch said haughtily infuriated beyond belief at his words.

"Cornelius please. Let the girl talk. Dreams, you say Miss Rosier?" Professor Dumbledore said his hands folded in front of him.

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