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Chapter Eight:

(P E P P E R M I N T
G U N P O W D E R)

The ride to Hogwarts was pretty uneventful except the constant bickering between the twins and Lee Jordan as Lilanna and Amy slept through the majority of the ride and Artemis sat with her sketchbook going into one of her art trances. She found that what had started as something to pass time, had become quite enjoyable and every now and then, when she felt her emotions brimming, she would create art. Thankfully, no dementors interrupted their ride like last year.

They sat at their own tables because it was the first day back and the sorting would take place. Artemis patiently sat with Lilanna as she impatiently waited for her brother to be sorted. Artemis saw Julie sitting at the far end of the table. She nodded at Artemis when she caught her eye. Artemis nodded back.

"What house do you think he'll be in?" Artemis asked as McGonagall started announcing names.

"Ardington, Carla!"

"Ravenclaw!" As Amy's table was filled with loud cheers and claps.

"I actually have no idea but if I had to guess I'd say Ravenclaw. He's much more knowledgeable than I was at that age anyway." She said.

"Your spectrum of knowledge isn't really a reliable yardstick, Lilanna." Artemis said snickering as Lilanna turned to glare at her.

"Blair, Fermont!"

"Gryffindor!" Said the hat as the tiny blonde went to sit on the Gryffindor table that erupted with cheers, the black haired witch's eyes involuntarily finding a certain redhead as she saw him standing up cheering.

"Brandon, Jeremiah!"


"Chaturvedi, Anand!"


"Chaturvedi, Anishka!"


The sorting carried on for quite some time till it was Lilanna's brother's turn. They watched as the sceptical kid stood, his brown curls bouncing while he looked around awaiting his turn. As the girl before him got sorted into Ravenclaw, his name was called.

"Yvoniss, Nicholas!"

"Ravenclaw!" The hat roared making the Ravenclaw table erupt into cheers and claps yet again as Lilanna smiled and clapped for her brother as well.

The feast was over pretty quickly. They were introduced to their Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher Professor Moody and with the announcement that Hogwarts would be hosting The Triwizard Cup, like it hasn't already killed loads of people, which earned a "You're joking!" From Frederick Weasley followed by Dumbledore's "No I am not joking, Mr Weasley." As he went on about a joke he had heard and yeah, pretty much the beginning to a normal Hogwarts year.

The other teams would be arriving later in the month, the only good thing being that they got half an hour off our last class of the day.

Artemis sighed as she made her way to her first class of the day: Potions. The black haired witch had managed to get an O in it making it possible to attend the advanced classes and surprisingly both Fred and George seemed to have managed to get an O too. Those two are brilliant, she thought to herself.

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