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Chapter twenty four:

(P I E C E S   O F   A   P U Z Z L E)

"Don't tell me you're thinking about Dad again." Artemis jumped as she heard Fred's voice suddenly and turned around to find him standing behind her. She turned back around and stared ahead into the depths of the Black Lake. She felt him sit down next to her.

"Artemis, it's not your fault, honestly. And he's safe. That's all that matters." He said but she sat still not saying anything.

"It's been months already, love. I told you it must've been because he wasn't going to die. You only get visions of death." He said in the soothing voice that she loved. She finally turned to him.

"But he could have! If Harry hadn't gotten the vision he-he might have–"

"But he didn't, love. He didn't and that's why you didn't get a vision." He said seriously and taking her hand.

"You think so?" Artemis asked feebly.

"I know so." He said grinning. She managed a small smile back, looking down at their hands, his tainted with healing wounds that spelt 'I must follow the rules', while hers remained spotless, curtesy to her being a Slytherin. She hated it. She hated how Hogwarts had become. She hated feeling uneasy all the time. Feeling anxious all the time.

"I hate it." She voiced out.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, love—Oww!" He exclaimed as soon as she pressed on his hand making her glare at him.

"Okay they do hurt but not as much anymore." He said shrugging, proceeding to squeeze her hand.

"I hate everything that's become of Hogwarts. It's torture, Fred–what she's doing in the name of detention! And what with all the stupid decrees, it's medieval! She's sacked Professor Trelawney too!" The dark haired witch all but burst out.

"I thought you didn't care for divination?" He asked teasingly.

"I don't. But I didn't want Professor Trelawney to get fired and specially not in that manner! Umbitch absolutely humiliated her in front of the entire school! As much as I like Firenze, I feel bad for the way she treated Trelawney." She said.

"I understand, love. But hold on just a little longer and then we'll be free." He said giving her nudge.

She huffed. "You're one to talk. You're leaving in a few weeks." She muttered.

"I asked you to–"

"–come with you, yes I know. But I need a degree to work, Freddie. Besides, I'm not a business owner unlike you and George." She said.

"No you're not, but you're dating one." He said with a smirk. "Why ever would you feel the need to work when you've got a handsome and charming boyfriend who'd willingly do it for you?" He asked with a sickly sweet smile painted on his face. Artemis tried to glare at him but ended up cracking a smile. She shook her head at his antics and got up to leave.


They were at the D.A. meeting, half of them still practicing patronuses and the other half who already were capable of producing a patronus had moved on to advanced hexes and jinxes when suddenly the door burst open. All chatter and movement ceased as they all turned to see a house-elf make its way to Harry hastily.

"Harry Potter sir—Harry Potter sir—Dobby has come to warn you—but the house-elfs have been warned not to tell..." He muttered proceeding to ram his head into the wall while Harry made an attempt to stop him. He held him by the shoulder to make him stay put.

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