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Chapter Eighteen:

(V I S I O N S O F D E A T H)

"My God - Krum!" Shouted Cornelius Fudge. "Dumbledore he's dead! Viktor Krum is dead!" Artemis shot up at that from her position on the ground. It-It couldn't be- then where was Cedric? It-It doesn't make sense! Where was Cedric?! Artemis rushed down to the scene despite Amy and Lilanna's protests.

"Take Diggory to the hospital wing!" She heard Professor Dumbledore yell at someone. They're taking him to the hospital wing-that must mean he's alive! He's alive! He has to be! Artemis didn't care how selfish she sounded at the moment she could only care about her friend. Fudge spoke "Harry let go of the body." She could see Harry clinging onto Viktor's body and as she neared them, she stopped dead on her tracks. The same expression she saw in the morning, but on Krum's face instead of Cedric. She could see Cedric being carried away on a stretcher before she could take a glimpse at him.

"Harry you can't help him now, It's over. Let go." Dumbledore said solemnly to a flustered Harry who was still holding Krum closely and finally let go of him when Dumbledore pried him off.

"He wanted me to bring him back...He wanted me to bring his body back to his parents." Harry explained hurriedly.

"Harry!" The green eyed witch exclaimed running over to him. "Are you okay? What happened there? And Cedric? Is he alive?"

"Miss Rosier, Harry's been through a lot today and needs medical attention. Please keep your questions for another time." Dumbledore said calmly pulling her aside.

"But professor Ce-"

"Yes, Artemis he's alive." She heard Harry say just as he staggered. Artemis quickly grabbed him and held him up to his feet.

"Dumbledore, Krum's parents are headed here, I think you should tell them before they see it." Fudge said hurriedly. "And Amos Diggory's running over here too-"

"I'll take Harry to the Hospital Wing-" Artemis heard Moody say as he rashly took Harry's arm from her. She glared at him as he glared back.

"I'd prefer to take Harry myself—" Professor Dumbledore began but he was cut off by Fudge yet again.

"Albus, Krum's parents are running over here—"

Moody took this chance to grab Harry and started pulling him off. Artemis went to go after them when she was stopped by a hand clamping onto her wrist. She looked up to see a worried Fred.

"Artemis where are you-"

"Fred let go! Moody's taken Harry! You know he's not safe! Not after what happened today-"

"We'll take care of that Miss Rosier. Mr Weasley, would you mind escorting Miss Rosier to the Hospital Wing? I reckon she would like to meet Mr Diggory." Dumbledore said with a finality as he, Professor McGonagall and Snape left together after Moody and Harry.

Fred walked the dark haired witch to the Hospital Wing where she reluctantly followed him. She could see Mrs Weasley, Bill, George, Ron and Hermione already there, arguing with Madam Pomfrey demanding to know Harry's whereabouts. As soon as Mrs Weasley saw the slytherin witch, she ran over to her.

"How is Harry? Is he hurt? Is he okay? Where is he? Why is he not here?" She bombarded Artemis with questions, worry marring her features.

"Harry's fine, a little disoriented and has a limp but he's okay. He's with Professor Dumbledore." Artemis said answering her questions. She then turned to Madam Pomfrey.

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