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Chapter Five:

( S T A R G A Z I N G )

Artemis stood in front of the mirror, in her fifth change of clothes that she gave a final look over, deciding it to be appropriate. She wore a white shirt with black jeans and heeled boots. Her pin straight black hair had been tied into a sleek ponytail, and she wore white pearls in her ears to match her shirt along with a watch.

"Artemis! Are you done?" She heard a knock on her door and Mrs Martha's voice.

"Yes Mrs Martha! I'll be down in a minute." Artemis called back.

"Lulu!" Artemis called as the house-elf appeared with a crack.

"Yes, Miss Rosier?"

"Could you please apparate with the luggage downstairs? In front of the fireplace would be fine." Artemis told her as Lulu nodded enthusiastically and disappeared with her luggage as Artemis made her way down the stairs.

Mrs Martha stood in front of the fireplace with the basket of floo powder in her hand and Lulu by her side with her luggage.

"Goodbye Mrs Martha."


"See you next summer, Lulu." Artemis smiled at the house elf.

"Take Care Miss Rosier!" Lulu said as Artemis took a handful of the floo powder and muttered "The Burrow!" As she felt the familiar feeling of warping before she landed somewhere she could only hope was The Burrow.

"Oh Dear, Artemis is that you?" She heard Mrs Weasley's voice and hurried footsteps coming towards her as she felt arms wrap around her before she could answer back. She was subjected to another one of her bone crushing hugs and though, Artemis wasn't one for physical affection, she had gotten used to it.

"Fred! George! Artemis is here!" Mrs Weasley called as she released Artemis. "It's almost time for dinner, Harry and Hermione just arrived a little while back too." Artemis nodded as she heard footsteps running down the stairs as a pair of redheads emerged from the stairs with identical grins on their faces. Artemis smiled at them as Fred came running and engulfed her in one of his hugs. The Weasleys were all for physical affection, completely the opposite of the black haired witch, it had taken her some time but she was now used to sudden hugs from the family of red-heads.

"Wow just ignore me why don't you?" They heard George mutter sarcastically as she shook her head and released Fred only to be engulfed in a hug by his twin.

"Oh Artemis, hey!" She saw Ginny come down the stairs as well smiling.

"Hello Ginevra, how are you?" Artemis asked as George released her from his arms.

"Ginny, please if you will." Ginny said scrunching her face as Fred laughed from behind Artemis. "I've been good, as good as you can get living with these two gits." Ginny said crossing her arms and pointed at Fred and George.

"Right, sorry, Ginny." Artemis said sheepishly. Ginny smiled at her reassuringly.

"Oh don't fret, Ginevra. It only took her a year to start calling him Fred instead of Frederick." George said pointed to Fred as Artemis' cheeks turned pink.

Artemis had a habit of calling people by their full names. A habit that had been instilled by her Grandmother who considered it impolite to use abbreviations.

"Ginny dear, why don't you show Artemis where she'll be sleeping? Fred, George help her with her luggage will you?" Said Mrs Weasley as she was busy making something that smelled really nice.

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