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Chapter Eleven:

(H E A R T B R E A K S   A N D
A L L I E S)

Artemis was on her way back to the dorms from her last class of the day. She decided then, that sixth year was definitely a pain in the buttocks, her decision owing to the fact that most of the people she called friends weren't in majority of her classes.

She only had six classes in a week with Lilanna and Amelia, four with the twins and nine with Cedric, having the most with the latter. But the worst out of all the subjects had been Defense Against the Dark Arts. She didn't hate the class itself, no, she was actually rather good at it, uncannily good which seemed to make Professor Moody doubt her, for what? She didn't know but he seemed especially wary of her as she was of him.

She was pulled away from her train of thoughts as someone crashed into her causing all her quills and books to go flying everywhere. Not again. She thought to herself.

"I am terribly zorry!" She looked up to meet the cerulean eyes of a rather shaken up boy, his head of curls bouncing as he bent down to her with her books that he had sent flying everywhere. Judging by his uniform, he was from Durmstrang.

"It's okay." Artemis clipped cursing her luck as she took out her wand and waved it silently muttering a spell making her possessions fly back into her arm. He handed her the few pages he had managed to gather with a guilty look on his face.

"I waz just running from ze caretaker Mr. Filch. I should've been more careful. I am zorry." He said again.

"Don't mind it." Artemis said already dismissing him and walking past.

"Uh excuse me! " He called out again that made the dark haired witch turn around and raise one of her eyebrows. She didn't like strangers.

"Can I umm...'ave your name? If you don't mind?" He said still looking somewhat flustered.

"Artemis." She clipped back.

"I am Alejandro. I'm from Durmstrang, but I think you already know zat." He said with a French accent rolling his words. If he's from Durmstrang why does he have the accent of Beauxbatons? She thought to herself. Artemis nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"I-" He began again only to be interrupted by Mr Filch's curses as he came running.

"I will see you around, Artemiz!" He shouted as he took off again yelling "Eet wazn't me Mizter 'Ogwartz Caretaker Sir!"

She shook her head while she proceeded to her dorm. What an odd day. She thought.


"Lilanna I really don't want to go though." Artemis said groaning but her words fell on deaf ears as Lilanna seemed to be hell bent on taking her friend with her to the Hufflepuff Common room party held in honor of Cedric's victory.

"All the champions are going to be there too! And for once, all the houses are going be there as well, everyone above fourth year! For once, even the prefects are letting it happen!" She exclaimed with her hands on her hips.

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