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Chapter twenty-five:

( O P H I D I A N )

"Retrieve the prophecy!"

Crystall balls everywhere.

"Is that all you've got?"

A blinding flash of green light hitting someone straight in the chest and the body falling back into a veil.


"He's gone...you can't do anything now."

Artemis awoke with a jolt. She looked at the wall clock in her room which read that it was almost five in the morning. Great. She got up from her bed to get a glass of water, wiping the sweat on her forehead with her sleeve. She hadn't even slept for two full hours. Studying for the NEWTs was much harder than OWLs coupled with the Head Girl duties and the fact that the slytherin witch took 14 advanced subjects and to top it all off she'd started getting visions again which could only mean one thing.

"Someone is going to die."

She didn't even flinch as the voice spoke inside her head, already used to it now. It had been a few weeks since she'd been getting the visions and she knew she could trust the voice. She didn't how or why but she just felt it inside her. She had tried finding writings on Quietus Clairvoyants but she couldn't find much apart from the fact that there had been one in the 1700s. Pages containing any other information about them had been ripped out of all the books.

She quietly drank the water in one gulp and put the glass down.

It had been two dreadfully long months since the twins had their colorful and extravagant departure, probably to be remembered by the generations to come at Hogwarts. And what a departure it was. Fireworks of every kind imaginable and more, portable swamps, and the whole lot of their products exploding everywhere and on everyone while they soared away on broomsticks leaving behind a W in the sky. It was indeed a beautiful chaos.

But after that, the school lost its only source of laughter, at least she did. Though, Lee did try to perform occasional pranks but it just didn't compare to Fred and George Weasley. Umbridge had grown suspicious of the dark haired witch and with good reason. She used to think Artemis was spying on the Gryffindors but her image of the green eyed witch was probably tainted when she'd yelled 'That's my boyfriend!' while the duo were flying away with laughter. Artemis didn't care much for the pink toad's image of her anyway. I was starting to sound like a Gryffindor.

Fred wrote to her almost everyday, they had opened a shop in Diagon Alley and it was a hit; Artemis always knew it would be. They'd hired a worker now too as the shop would get too busy to handle by just themselves alone. They'd bought a flat above the shop and had finally moved out of the burrow. Artemis wanted to tell him about the visions on multiple occasions but she feared the letters would be intercepted so she didn't mention it. With Professor Dumbledore and Fred both gone, Artemis didn't have anyone to share her visions with and it was messing with her head.

She shook her head and tried to fall back asleep. She had her Ancient Runes exam later today making it her last exam and bringing an end to her seventh year at Hogwarts. But sleep never came, what did come was a feeling of an impending doom.

"I know he's here! I know you have Sirius here! Tell me where he is!"

Harry. It was Harry who was saying this. Facing him were Bellatrix Black or rather Lestrange now that she's married and Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy.

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