Back to Work

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~There's nothing to do here

All just lie and complain

In bed at the hospital

Coming and going

Asleep and awake

In bed at the hospital~

~Florence + The Machine~

The next few months flew by, and so much had happened. It was beginning of August, and Gotham was starting to blossom into a new fresh city. The economy was booming thanks to Joker's demolition job. So many of the blue collar workers were back to work.

The yuppie upper class was still a bit highhanded with their ways of handling things, but the people, Oh, the people knew better now. The city had nearly collapsed in on itself, and with out the hard work of the lower and middle class, the city would still be dust and rubble. It was a beautiful thing to see.

Joker had made good with the systematic torture of Bruce Wayne. The guards he had on payroll were all too happy to let out a bit of pent up aggression out on the doped up playboy. He had the guards let slip a small bit of gossip that Bruce Wayne thought he was Batman, and sent the entire High security ward into a riot. Lucky for Bruce, only a few guys made it to his cell, and the guards broke it up quickly, but not before Bruce getting a broken nose. That one made Joker laugh.

Joker had also had Red and Peach go visit Bruce Wayne to help 'Get closure'. That visit had caused Bruce to get thrown into his cell and be sedated. Peach had come home with a smile on her face that day.

Joker had finally 'killed off' Jack Napier, deciding that he didn't like another man being legally married to his wife. Red was happy to go back to being himself again. Peach was happy to be free of Jack Napier as well. She was happily married to the Joker.

Joker was amazed with how fast babies grow. At first it had seemed pretty useless, just sleeping, eating, and shitting. But now, his little Jellybean, could roll over, and tried to sit up. It was funny to watch it try.

The down side, it pooped a lot more. Now that Peach was given the all clear by the doctor to start exercise and could work more, she had started to wean the baby to formula. That caused the shitty diapers to nearly gag him.

On the plus side, he could make it laugh. He barely had to say a word, and his Jellybean would laugh and smile and coo at him. That had to be the most fun part.

Joker was in his home office putting together the plan for the big finale for Bruce. Peach was off meeting with the manager at the bar, trying to figure out who was skimming off the top of her profits. So Joker was on baby duty. Easy enough, right now, it was in the floor on a blanket, snuggled up with Judy. They were both sleeping.

He had been working on the nothing but breaking Wayne. He wanted the man to be in microscopic pieces by the time he was done with him. He was looking over Bruce's Therapy notes that the guards would email to him every week.

Seems like ole Brucie boy was starting to crack. It would only take a few well placed hits to devastate him. Joker was feeling antsy, wanting to hurry and get the satisfaction over with, but the wait would just make it that much sweeter.

Bruce Wayne was losing his mind. He thought the 90 day stay would be a breeze, and they might have been until the beatings started. He had been here about a week when the first guard came in. It was well after lights out and he slept through the low buzzing of the door opening. He was given sleeping pills since he had gotten there.

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