PACE THIRTY SEVEN: A Sacrifice for the Sake of Many

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If this continues, our tribe will soon be wiped out...

This is kind of devastating...

As those thoughts filled my mind, I said the words that I think would be the only way to end this war, once and for all, “I’ll let you get ahold of me and do whatever you want with me... I’ll sacrifice myself just for the sake of the remaining Hayprinians. Just stop this war...”

“Y-Young Master, no...” I heard Brimo said, but I tried not to pay attention to him.

I don’t want to spread more blood in this Area... I don’t want more Hayprinians or even Soralisians to lose their lives...

I never hoped for a war to completely settle the conflict between our tribes... I’ve never been a fan of violence, after all...

“Y-you’re willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of ending this war...?” she asked with a widened eyes.

“Yes; if it means stopping more blood from splattering on the ground, then I’m willing to sacrifice myself for the sake of many.” I replied with full of diction.

She chuckled, “How heroic, it makes me want to consider it.”

“That doesn’t sound so good, Princess.” Rieshay intervined, catching the attention of the young woman whom he called Princess. Does that mean she’s a daughter of the Royal couple of Soralis? Or is she a sister of one of them...? “If we end the war now, there’s a chance that the remaining Hayprinians would build their tribe, giving the Soralisians a new treat that would start another war, yet again.”

“But do you think that without someone to rule over us, we will be able to build our tribe again to make another war?” Brimo asked before I could even talk. He disarmed himself and walked towards my right side. “No one can replace the King other than his son. No other bloodline have the right to rule over our tribe...”


“Either way, there’s no chance for us to win this war, so even if we lose our Young Master here, the thought of saving the others who are still alive would be a lot more better than getting our tribe wiped out.” he added that stopped me from talking.

The young woman smirked, “Then so be it; we’ll end this war in exchange of your tribe’s precious prince.”

Before the other Soralisians grasps my arms, I took one last look at Brimo and I saw him staring at me.

He seems kind of guilty, sad or devastated...

I know he doesn’t want the Soralisians to just take me away like this, but I guess it left him with no choice, because it was my own decision to let this happen.

But I’m thankful that he quickly understood my reason for sacrificing myself...

I don’t know what they’ll do with me once we reach the Soralis Area, but I’m not regretting my decision even one bit...

While two Soralisians are holding my arms, walking slowly towards the front door of the Palace, I didn’t even turn my eyes at Rieshay... It’s not that I’m ashame of what’s happening now, but I just thought that I might get out of control over my emotions if I see his face again...

Upon getting out of the Palace, the young woman moved in front of us and shouted at the top of her lungs, “Stop at once!!”

And as what she shouted, everyone in front of her stopped fighting with each other, looking at her dumbfoundedly.

Looking around the vicinity, I saw a familiar figure that made me blink a few times... Her clothes has few stains of blood.

I suddenly felt the urge to set myself free, run to her direction as fast as I can and hug her so tight...

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