PACE THIRTY SIX: War that Cost a lot of Lives

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Brimo groaned before trying to stand upright, “T-that item...” he mumbled, turning his gaze at the bomb-like stuff at the center of the room. “It’s a bomb containing different spells that could only be created by a Barynian... This means that some of them are helping the Soralisians in this war...”

I sighed, tapping his shoulder once, “There’s no time to talk about that any longer; we need to help the others.”

“You’re right, Young Master.”

I used my fast speed ability to took off my pair of pajamas and put on a pants and three layers of clothes.

In just several seconds, I’m, at least, ready to get out of my room.

“Let’s go, Brimo.” I said that was soon followed by his head nodding.

“Should we go to the Weaponry room now?” he asked.

“No need to; let’s just pick up some weapons dropped by someone on the way---if we happen to find one or two, at least.”

“A-all right, Young Master.”

Once we set foot outside my room, I could kind of feel the heavy aura inside the Palace, but the hallway’s actually empty which made me feel strange...

I felt worry, yet again...

“That bow and arrows...” Brimo mentioned, pointing at the golden bow and arrows next to the wall of the hallway, just a few meters away from us. “If I’m not mistaken, that’s the King’s possesion...”

With a slightly shaking legs and hands, I walked closer to it and picked it up.

My grip tightened on it upon recognizing it...

He’s right... This is, indeed, one of my Dad’s weapon...

I felt butterflies in my stomach when I spotted stains of blood on the carpet and on the white tiled floor...

“Brimo, quick! Let’s go down!” I ordered, not even waiting for his reply.

I decided to ran, but I didn’t use my fast speed ability, because I know that Brimo won’t be able to keep up.

It might be better to split up, but in this situation---as my butler, I’m sure he won’t leave my side, no matter what I say...

I still find it strange to not encounter anyone while running on ahead...

Are we really too late to help the others...?

When we’re going down the staircase, leading to the ground floor of the Palace---near the front door---I saw Xannia exchanging blows with a Soralisian, but she’s having a hard time fighting him, because of the wind magic he’s using.

When he successfully snatched the sword she’s weilding, he quickly swang it to her, slicing a part of her waist that made her fall on the floor. It happened so fast, I wasn’t able to react...

I gasped at that sight, wanting to run to her rescue, but then, I might be able to help her with the use of my Dad’s bow and arrows...

I saw the part of Xannia’s purple gown where she was sliced instantly got soaked by her blood...

Hurting or killing a person was one of the last things I want to do, but I won’t forgive myself if I didn’t do anything to help her.

She kind of became an irritation in my life, but she’s still my friend.

With a shaking arms and hands, I set an arrow on Dad’s bow and pulled the string, targeting the man who’s presently planning to pierce her heart.

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