PACE TWENTY NINE: Second Thoughts

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Arriving in Soralis with Father, Rie, Rein, Mari and that woman by the use of a portal, I saw Raimy trembled in the cold weather.

I looked at her with poker face, trying my best not to feel sympathy towards her.

But deep down inside, I feel somewhat sad and hurt...

Earlier, I might have uttered something to Winter that I didn’t even mean...

“No! A rule or not, I would still choose to make her suffer...”

Those words of mine echoed in my mind, as well as what he stated...

“That rule of Soralis is absurd if you really think about it!”

“I understand what you feel, Amey, but still, it’s not her fault... It’s not right for her to suffer...”

I also commanded Rein through his mind to use that magic and hurt him...

In truth, I want to... move near him and treat his wound...

But... I let myself to be succumbed by madness that it clouded my thoughts, real feelings and my choices...

More so, Raimy didn’t resist... She let us take her here; prepared to what might occur to her...

Somehow, I regret all that I did...

“Big sis, are we going to surrender her to the Knights, now?” Riexel queried while giving her coat to Raimy who is still mounting on Mari’s back.

“No, we are going home first.” I answered, trying to act tough.

“Amey, are you having second thoughts?” Father queried, but I couldn’t answer him.

I chose to stay silent and began to walk, heading to the direction of our home.


When we arrived at our home, my stepmother wasn’t there...

Perhaps, she is currently at work at this time.

“Here, take a seat, Mrs. Raimy.” uttered Rie, offering her to sit on the couch.

Father was about to sit on the other couch, too, but I ceased him by holding onto his shoulder.

“What is it, Amey?”

“Can I speak with you for a while?” I queried back at him.


We went to the kitchen to speak and we sat on two of the six chairs around the rectangular dining table.

“What do you want to talk about, Amey?” he queried after a few seconds of silence. “Is it about Raimy?”

I nodded as I stare at my hands on my lap, “I think I should just let her go...” I muttered. “Winter was right... That rule of Soralis is... somewhat preposterous... Mother’s case had already met its justice, almost eighteen years ago... for the man who killed her had already payed his life for his crime...”

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