PACE THIRTY ONE: Inheritance

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Wearing such classy clothes, I faced the large mirror at the corner of my broad room.

I'm happy to finally live with my biological parents, but the sudden change of status and environment makes me kind of uneasy.

It's only been two days since I confirmed about my identity and at this time of the night, a party will be held at the Throne Hall for me.

Her Majesty said that it'll be a gathering of the people of Haypri Area, along with the Royal family of Baryn.

But of course, before this event, she ordered me to drink a remedy potion that would break the effect of the potion I drank before...

And for the last time, I felt that unbearable pain I feel whenever I'm transforming into my Hayprinian form... But this time, I won't ever be transforming back to that Kilick form I had...

I feel at ease because of that, and yet, I feel sad, too...

I'm sad to know that I'll never see myself as a Kilick anymore, but at the same time, I'm finally at ease, because I know I won't feel that unbearable pain ever again...

"Young Master Hail," Brimo called me, bowing once. "It's time for you to go to the Hall now. Are you ready?"

"Actually, I don't think I'll be ready for this..."

"I'm sorry to say this, Young Master, but ready or not, you need to face all the people in there, now."

"Yeah, I know..." I said, fixing the sleeve of my coat a little. Taking in a deep breath, I stated, "Let's go."


Reaching the Throne Hall, Brimo opened the tall double door of it, and from there, the people inside turn their eyes on me, one by one.

Without a warning, my heart began to beat faster and I almost stop at that very moment, but I still tried to hold my ground and continued on.

I just payed no attention to their gazes and look straight ahead...

It's not that I'm being a snobby, but having all their eyes on me makes me really embarrassed and I couldn't look at them straight in the eye. To add, I couldn't possibly look or bow at them, one by one... right...?

While walking towards the stairs of the Throne, I saw the King and Queen standing there with my little sister.

I just met Sheil, a day ago... I was kind of happy to know that I have a little sister whose already fifteen years old...

Somehow, I remember Riexel from her...

After almost a minute, I finally reached the stairs of the throne and when I went up on it, Brimo remained at the bottom stair.

As I'm walking towards the center, the King started to talk, "Please, welcome, my long lost son, Prince Hail Snow Veiyl!"

It feels kind of weird to hear my true whole name...

When I'm only a few steps from His Majesty, I bowed once in front of the people with my right arm placed against my abdomen.

"We lost him when he was still a one year old baby... This celebration is for finally finding him and having him here with us. Now that he's found, I would like to give him back the inheritance of the throne."

I was taken aback the moment that last sentence came out of his mouth and almost everyone inside the Hall murmured and talked with each other.

But despite that feeling of surprise, I didn't dare to talk or interrupt His Majesty...

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