PACE THIRTY TWO: Separate Lives

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Three days passed after that big party for me and that big announcement from His Majesty...

I’m just leisurely walking around the Palace while Brimo’s quietly following me when---bit by bit---I heard loud voices inside a room... It’s like the people inside are having an argument...

“Hey, Brimo,” I called him, looking back over my shoulder.

“Yes, Young Master?”

“Um, this room is the King and Queen’s room, right?” I asked while we’re in front of that room’s door.

“Yes, it is.”

Just then, the door suddenly opened and a guy around my age came out from it.

When he spotted me, he glared at me and moved closer. Then, the next thing I knew, his fist was already on my jaw, punching me hard enough to make me have a taste of my own blood on the left side of my lips.

What the?!

For a second there, I coudn’t even feel my jaw and I almost got out of balance... That punch was powerful, huh.

“Young Master Maison, why did you do that?” Brimo asked at him, quickly supporting me by my shoulders.

But he didn’t pay attention to him and just continued to glare at me.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I wiped the blood off my lips using the back of my hand.

“If you hadn’t come here, everything would still be the same!” he shouted, making my eyebrows furrowed. “And the King wouldn’t choose to transfer back the inheritance to you! I wish you just die already!”

“How dare you, Maison! How dare you say that to my son!” Her Majesty’s voice suddenly echoed inside the Palace, making my body jerk a bit.

Who is this guy exactly? Why did he just say those cruel words...?

“Knights! Take Prince Maison and his Mother to the dungeon, now!” she ordered and quickly, two Knights came running closer, restraining the guy in front of me and the woman from inside the room.

“No! No! You can’t possibly do this to us! We’re also Royals! You can’t do this to us!!” the woman shouted as the Knights are dragging them away from us. She just kept on shouting that until her voice gradually disappear...

“Are you alright, Hail?” Her Majesty asked, walking closer to me, instantly touching my jaw.

“Yeah, I’m okay, don’t worry, Your Majesty.” I replied, nodding. “Who are they, though?”

“Princess Alibeith Veiyl, my younger sister and her son, Prince Maison.” His Majesty stated while walking out of their room.

So, that means they’re my cousin and Aunt...

Now that I think about it... She’s the same woman who was glaring at me at the night of the big party...

“I never would have thought that Alibeith deceived me the whole time...” His Majesty added. “Due to her uncontrolled madness towards my decision of giving back the inheritance to you, she blurted out her own crime, saying that she should’ve killed you when she had the chance.”

“His Majesty forced her to speak out the crime she comitted and from her, we discovered that she’s the one who took you away from us before and the one who gave you to a commoner at the village.” the Queen said, continuing the King’s explanation. “She did that, because she knew that if you disappear from our lives, the inheritance would certainly be transferred to her son, Maison.”

So, that’s it... Princess Alibeith was the woman in the green cape... and now I know the whole reason why she just gave me away like that... And the reason why she’s glaring at me that time...

I guess the greediness of our ancestor still lingers in some of the members of the Royal family...

“That’s why, when His Majesty gave back the inheritance to you, she and her son got really mad, but that madness lead them to something they never have expected...” the Queen continued.

“I will make sure they’ll pay for what they did and for deceiving all of us...” the King murmured, starting to walk away.

“Come, Hail, I’ll treat the wound on your lips.” Her Majesty said after the King left us.

And without a second thought, I followed her...



“I’ll miss you so much, my best friend...” a familiar voice echoed inside my mind as I stare blankly on Meylie’s messages in my phone.

That was the last words I heard from her the day I told her I am going to a far away place and that I won’t be coming back anymore... That was also the day he suddenly suffered from a blackout...

It has been a month since I came back here in Soralis...

It is pretty common peaceful, but I feel like there is still something missing... Perhaps, I just miss Meylie and him...

“Big sis! Let’s go, now! All the things we need for the picnic are ready!” Rie joyfully uttered, carrying two picnic baskets on her hands.

“Alright.” I muttered, standing up from the sofa as I put my phone inside my small shoulder bag. “Let me carry the other basket.” I added and she immediately gave me the basket on her left hand.

After that, we set out of our home...


Upon arriving at a park near our home, Father spread a checkered blanket on the grass by a large tree.

Immediately, Rie, my stepmother and I picked out the food and utensils from the picnic basket, properly putting it on the blanket.

“Doing this once in a while really is fun!” Rie uttered as she flashes a wide smile at us.

“That’s right, my daughter.” my stepmother murmured, smiling at her.

Looking at my little sister’s face made me smile a little.

She appears to be so joyous here... together with her mother...

“Hey, everyone! Can I join your little picnic here?” Rieshay asked, approaching us.

I lift an eyebrow at him, but he just disregarded it, turning his gaze at my stepmother.

“Sure, Young Man, come join us.” she answered to him which made my eyebrows furrowed.

Crossing my arms, I took a deep breath.

This guy really is persevere... and persistent...

How long is he going to keep this up...?

Even with his efforts, there is still only one guy I miss the most...

And that is...



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