PACE SEVEN: A New Generous Friend

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“Let’s go, Amey.” my only best friend, Meylie, uttered while she wears a joyful smile. She put her arm around mine as we were leaving the classroom. “I wonder if we’ll see Rieshay at the Cafeteria in this thirty-minute break... I want to get a glimpse of his charming face, but if it’s going to make you uncomfortable, I guess it would be best to eat snacks somewhere else, hmm?”

“Absolutely, Meylie. I would not like myself to be involved with him anymore.” I answered to her.

“You know, I kind of don’t get you this time... Rieshay’s all popular; he has the looks and the talents, why aren’t you attracted to him?” she queried as we are heading to the Cafeteria to purchase some snacks.

“Hm, I don’t like his boastful or presumptuous behavior.”

“I guess he has his share of negative sides, too... But still, for me and his fans, he’s the amazing and charming MVP of the basketball club. Though, it’s enough for me to admire him from afar. I don’t plan to be like his fans that would do everything just to get his attention.”

“That is good to know.” I uttered as I smile at her.

“Anyway, tell me more about that other senior guy you met last week... You mentioned that he’s actually your neighbor?”


“Is he---”

“Amethyst!” a somewhat familiar voice shouted my name, interposing with our conversation.

Upon looking at the direction where I heard the voice, I saw Winter leaning against the wall of the classroom of Juniors Class C.

What is he doing here? This is apparently not the Senior high school’s corridor...

“Oooh, that’s my other crush...” Meylie whispered at my ear.

I just smiled at her awkwardly as I lift an eyebrow.

“When did the two of you meet?”

“It’s only been more than a week since the day I encountered him... Um, he is the neighbor I mentioned to you about...” I whispered back at her.

She gasped and her eyes widen in surprise, “Is that so? Hm... Your name being called by a kind looking guy like him... You’re so lucky, Amey... I’m starting to get jealous of you...”

I couldn't cease myself but to giggle at that, “Don’t feel that way, alright?”

“Hey.” Winter interposed, startling us a little.

“O-Oh, y-you surprised us! We didn’t realize sooner that you’re already in front of us!” Meylie exclaimed, awkwardly laughing.

“It’s because, you two, are busy whispering to each other...”

She giggled at that, “U-um, why did you call my best friend?”

He gently smiled at her and answered, “I just want to invite her to come with us and eat snacks at our usual place. Do you want to come, too?”

“Oh, really?” a wide smile immediately flashed on her face as she heard him invited her.

“Yeah. There’s also no need for us to buy some snacks at the Cafeteria, because my Mom made sandwiches that are enough for all of us.”

“That’s great!” uttering that; she turned her gaze at me and gave me a meaningful look.

She is so eager to come, alright... T-Then...

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