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2 more chapters left guys, this one is pretty short basically a filler.

Alice's stomach was bigger, her hand rubbing over the stretched skin, at 34 weeks pregnant she was bursting, the end of January was near, her mood swings bigger, kicks more painful, but she found herself being more affectionate, craving cuddles from Fp, kisses. his intimate touch. She wanted to be around him. 

"You okay baby"H questioned his chest against her back, "Your beautiful"He kissed her shoulder. "I look like a buffalo"Her words were huffed, "You do not, my Nemo and Dory are in there, Simba and Narla"Alice giggled, kissing his hand. "We need to go shopping for the last minute bits"Fp sighed as Alice let out a longing groan. These days Alice was tired, over stretched and worn out. The feeling of two humans stretching and growing within her. 

With the mid-way friday dawning, the couple needed to get the last minute things, such as new bottles, they had most of the clothes they just needed blankets and a few more items of clothing.  "Here"Fp handed Alice her pregnancy leggings along with a jumper. Her stomach was flipping, you could see the baby turning, her stomach moving with each movement. His lips moved to her neck, her over sensitivity caused load moans to erupt from her mouth, with cusses and light groans.

"I like this side to you"Alice frowned "What side"He moved both hands to her large bump, "Vulnerable, sensetive, if you weren't pregnant we would be having the best sex ever right now."Alice let out a dissproving whimper, "Your cruel Jones, Cruel"He chuckled, get these clothes on"She turned,pecked his lips and left to the bathroom. She pulled the fresh clothes over her body. Looking back at her reflection she caressed her bump. 

They settled together in the car, side by side, her hand gently brushing his thigh as he drove, the fact they were together bringing two more lives into this world, side by side, In love, deeply, and smitten for eachother,

But today Alice's pains had changed, pressure on her bladder, throbs and feelings she could of sworn were contractions but she put down braxton hicks. From now Alice should have learned, never to ignore her feelings.

Fp had never experience the full pregnancy with anyone, since Dylan's labour was abrubt and due to stress, Ella he missed, Jellybean and Jughead both were through c section. So he hardly noticed his wife's behaviour.

They pulled up into the shopping centre, parking the car, the carseats were both fitted in Fp's car, as he'll be the one driving Alice to the hospital and the babies home.

He grabbed her hand as she clutched her bag, together they walked into the stores. "We need moses baskets or bassinets for our bedroom"Fp added, Alice smiled and nodded "Are we getting a double buggy"Fp asked to which his wife nodded "Yep"They ordered the twin flat back stroller with two moses baskets. 

Fp had never expected his life to turn out so well. After years of rejection, deception and cruelty he had the woman of his dreams by his side to support him, someone to hold him when he's down, support him through his dark times, accept him when he's at his worse. Alice had became his rock. His world. His life. She had always held a special place in his heart and now she owned his heart. 

Her bump hung over her frame as they shopped, placing various items in the basket, "We have the bag sorted don't we"Fp asked, Alice shook her head. "Buy the stuff for it now"She suggested to which he nodded. She placed a large black bag into the basket.   For both babies they bought a disney set, for Lucas lion king, and for Lexi a thumper set. A soft pink blanket and a soft blue. Once the stuff for the hospital bag was bought they got everything else they needed.

Not many words were spoken in the store, they just enjoyed eachothers company. Fp pushing the trolley with one hand the other securely around Alice's waist. "Your beautiful"Fp whispered as they left the store. Everything was becoming a reality. 

They headed home, Alice packed the bag with nappies, pacifiers and bottles along with the items they had bought earlier on. Once the hospital bag was packed it was placed in the car. "Pops tonight beautiful"Fp offered. "Of course, a nice chilled one"He placed a kiss to her forehead.

FP and Alice took her car to the school to collect the younger Jones'. They walked hand in hand to the day care, they waited and were soon allowed in. As soon as Dylan's now dark eyes met his parents he ran towards his parents. He may only be two but he was strong "Mumma, Dadda"He leapt into Fp's arms. He kissed his head "Hello little man"He kissed his dark hair. Both he and Ella had dark hair, Ella's eyes had developed into a ocean blue, where as Dylan's were a hazel brown. 

"How are you Mrs Jones"Mrs Adams the teacher smiled "I am good, thank you"Alice smiled "How are the twins"Alice rubbed her stomach "They are doing good. Kicking alot but we are good"She still ignored the feeling in her gut. Once Dylan was settled on the floor he hugged Alice's legs, Both Fp and Alice clutched one if his hands and headed to the nursery class of which Ella will soon be leaving. 

They waited outside, in the playground. The twins kicking Alice and Dylan being silly, soon the bell sounded and Ella ran out, a smile plastered on her face, like nothing could ruin her mood. A painting in her hands, with a drawing. "Mummy look, its me,you,daddy, Dylan, babies, millie and Roxy"The girl sounded so proud, bringing a smile to their faces. "Clever girl"Alice kissed her head gently. Once everyone was seated in the car they went home.

Fp cooked Ella, Dylan and Jelly bean dinner, once they were settled eating he went to pops, collecting himself and Alice food. He ordered their normal food. Once it was ready to go he happily drove home. His smile wide. 

He walked into his house the view something amazing, something he had always wanted to see. Jellybean in the middle on the sofa. Ella on one side snuggled into her, Dylan on the other, Millie curled into Dylan and Roxy on Ella's lap, all three pairs of eyes focused on the Scooby Doo Movie. 

He walked through the the kitchen to Alice, who was looking up smiling. "Food"Her eyes lit up and they sat down. Both devouring their food like wild animals. Alice giggling as she did so. Her skin had a natural glow, her piercing eyes diving into his. "Dylan bath time"Fp called. Dylan stood up and walked to Fp who picked him up. Then only boys in the house wandered upstairs, Fp poured bubble bath into the tub, turned the taps and allowed the water to run, Dylan was potty trained near enough but still wore bed nappies. "Paw Patrol pyjamas"Fp asked they boy nodded. Fp carried him back through to the bathroom turning off the warm tap, then adding cold making sure the temperature was just right. Dylan loved bath time.

Fp played with him for a while, with his trucks and cars. Splashing him. Once he was fully distracted Fp washed him. Then once he was relaxed he washed his jet black hair.  Fp was taking bath times since Alice had a belly full. He played a little longer after cleaning him before wrapping the towel around his body and scrubbing him. Drying his body fully. Once he was fully dressed he was able to sit down with Jellybean and finished the film. 

He ran the second bath for Ella. Once it was complete he walked into her bedroom, grabbing her disney pyjamas. He settled them in the bathroom before walking back down stairs picking her up. Alice smiled in adoration. He carried her upstairs to the bathroom where she stripped herself. Ella cleaned herself, Fp washed her hair, They played with her barbies, FP pulling funny voices and faces. Being recorded by his wife who had bought Dylan up unknown to him. 

"I love you, sleep tight"Alice tucked Dylan into his bed, Kissing his forehead gently after reading the story. "Hey. Els is in bed, story read she just wants a mummy kiss"Alice nodded "Okay handsome"Fp kissed her lips "I'll be down soon, i need to finish something"Alice nodded. Again kissing Fp's soft lips heading into her daughters bedroom. "Night night mummy"Ella beamed "Night sweetheart,  I love you"Alice kissed her forehead, gently. She turned on fairy lights as more pains rippled throughout her body.

Once dowstairs she lent against the counter. Her stomach clenching. Every 8 minutes a pain riffled through her. Fp soon came down. Wrapping his arms around her torso, his hands resting on her bump. He trailed kisses sown her neck until she gasped in pain. A flow of liquid flushed from her body and onto the marbles flooring. 

"I think my waters broke"Alice gasped.

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