Sharing a birthday

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The next 3 months were agonising for Jughead and Betty they knew they wouldn't be able to work. They would be loosing their social life to care for this baby growing inside of Betty. Every kick they embraced every twitch. They had been told the baby had a 50/50 chance of their little baby surviving.  Where as Alice was 9 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy. She knew what she was calling him. Fp had mentioned the name over and over again to Slurpe which made her choice easy. She could go into labour any second any day now. A bag was packed and ready by the door. Everything was prepared for his arrival.  Betty was only  months pregnant. But she had been experiencing the worst pain. Only 1 month ago they found out they were having a little girl. A beautiful baby girl. The name had been chosen. Isla-Mae Forsythia Jones. It was 3am and 27 week pregnant Betty awoke with a sharp pain. She felt water dripping down her leg. "No no"She screamed. Jughead wasn't there she she didn't know where he was she picked up her phone and took deep breathes.  "B its 3am"Cheryl moaned "Cheryl my waters broke Jug isn't here  i need you please"She pleaded "Shit B okay stay calm breathe i will be 5 minutes"Cheryl quickly ended the call as Betty sat on her bed breathing through her agonising pain. She clutched her stomach as the pains got worse and worse. Minutes later she heard her voice "BETTY"Betty cried out in pain "Shit B shit."Cheryl muttered seeing the thick layer of sweat on her head. "TT GET FP NOW"Cheryl shouted Toni ran next door and thumped the door but no answer "Fuck it"She used her key and opened the door running upstairs into their room she pushed to door open seeing FP and Alice snuggled together. "Junior wake up"Toni muttered. "Jones"She said louder Fp woke up as did Alice. "AHH"Fp screamed Alice laughed sleepily "Toni what is it"Alice asked looking at the clock. "Betty's waters just broke and your son is Awol we need to get her in the car"Alice and Fp were both suddenly aware. "Ali ring Jug as much as you can i will carry her out and go with you and Cheryl. Call Veronica on the way"Fp demanded jumping from his bed he pulled on his top and ran out of his house to Betty. Who was now screaming the dogs barked as the young girl gripped her bed sheets. "Cheryl start the car now"Cheryl ran down the stairs in a hurry. Starting her car. FP ran out Betty in his arms.

"Toni is following in Betty's car, Hermione is coming to watch Ella and JB"FP said quickly getting in the back gripping Betty's hand "Dad i can't do this i can't she's to early i am only  27 weeks"Betty cried "Its okay baby girl its okay i got you"Fp hushed her whilst Cheryl drove like a mad lady. On the otherside of town Jughead Jones was naked. In a hotel room. In a bed. Beside a brunette. Malachi the leader of the ghoulies photoed the leader of the serpents hugging the brunette then photoed them in bed together. Instantly sending the photos to Toni,Cheryl,Veronica,Archie,Sweetpea and Fangs. 

Once at the hospital Fp carried the screaming blonde in her maternity nurse instantly recognised her "QUICKLY WE HAVE A 3 MONTH PREMATURE LABOUR"A trolley was pushed to them. Fp and Cheryl stayed close then Cheryl looked at her phone she gasped "Jones"She muttered. She showed him the photo and he felt his blood boil. "I know where that is. I'll kill him"Fp stormed out of the room as Kevin Keller ran in. "Hey there gorgeous. Give me your hand"Betty squeezed his hand as the doctors inspected her. "Betty sweetheart. She's coming. And quick. On the next contraction push"Betty cried and screamed out in pain as her next contraction swept through her body. Kevin Squeezed her hand tightly as she began pushing. Piercing screams leaving her as sweat covered her body. "Good girl keep pushing for me keep pushing"Betty used her strength. her mighty. her energy into pushing the baby from her body. "Come on B"Veronica called from the door way. "I am so proud B keep going come on keep going"Kevin egged her on as she pushed harder "I SEE THE HEAD BETTY KEEP GOING"Veronica pulled out her phone and began recording as Betty pushed hard her hand clutching Kevin's hand as her deafening screams were released into the atmosphere. "WHERE IS JUG"She screamed everyone looked at her in pain. "He doesn't matter to us anymore B push"Cheryl kissed her sweat covered forehead. "1 BIG ONE"Betty clenched her fists and with all her mighty. All her power she pushed the small human out. A loud cry filled the room. "Chord"Cheryl smiled and took the scissors cutting the chord. She was wrapped up Betty kissed her head, The nurse attached some wired to her and dressed her in a nappy then she was whisked away to the High Dependency ward. Veronica took a picture as she left and sent it to FP. She was tiny.

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