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He looked down at her. The sun beaming through the gap in their curtain her back against his chest her golden hair beneath his nose. He looked at the alarm clock seeing the time he sighed. Only a week ago they found out they were expecting twins it was a shock but Fp was excited as was Alice. He turned the alarm clock off and sorted everyone out,taking Jellybean to her summer camp classes, Ella to her summer nursery and Dylan to day care. He stopped by pops on the way picking up a salted caramel muffin and chocolate milkshake, "For Al,"He smiled "How is she"Pop asked."She's good, really good."Fp drove home smiling but when he got back he heard a squeal he instantly ran up the stairs to see Alice looking in the mirror. "Baby you okay"He asked in panic. "Look,look i am getting a small bump"She was standing side ways. It wasn't little. You could clearly see a bump,His heart melted. He walked up to her and placed his hands on her stomach "You little soldiers are growing. You have an incredible family. You have big brother Juggie and Betts, You have Jellybelly, Ella and Dylan."He kissed the skin lightly.

"I think i noticed a small one a few days back but i have also been eating to much"She sulked  "Princess you are eating for three."He kissed the side of her neck and help her hips lightly. "Your skin is glowing Ali. You look fucking gorgeous. I mean you always look perfect but you have this radiant glow, and now you have this gorgeous bump. My babies are in their"Alice felt happiness surge throughout her body.His smile radiating her body,Fp hadn't had the chance to see her bump with Ella and he missed alot with Dylan since he had messed up with her. But this time. He was there at the first scan. He got to see it and now he was with her when they both saw her bump properly for the first time. 

"Al how do kicks work"He asked which made her smile "I only found out about Jug when she was seven months gone and with Jelly i found out 6 months in"That when Alice realised. This was one of the first scans he had been to. Of his own baby. He had been to one or two of Dylan's but thats it, Out of the four children he had that were alive, he was only experiencing the firsts the fifth time round.  It was complicated for them, since if Polly and Charles were here Alice would be becoming a mother of seven and Fp a father of six. Life was complicated but when they were together if felt so simple, so perfect,so right. 

"Well i will start to experience flutters any time from 13 weeks only small movements that won't be visible on the outside.But between 16 and 22 week the babies will start to kick and then you will be able to feel but every pregnancy is different"Alice placed a soft kiss on his lips. "You make me so happy"He placed his hands over her bump. "You know i am going to be super protective of my wife now"He looked down at her "Why is that"She asked "She has my little nemos in their"Alice turned and kissed his nose. "I got you a salted caramel muffin and chocolate milkshake, I also am making a bacon sandwich i will make you one"She liked her lips and nodded "Sounds yummy"As she said that a wave of nausea rushed through her and she darted to the bathroom. Fp pulled her hair back and soothingly rubbed her back. "I still want my sandwich"She groaned emptying her stomach which made him laugh. "I am lucky you have't got weird cravings yet only muffins"She giggled "They get worse Fp, At the moment i just want certain food. Wait until i am waking you up at 4am to buy me pizza or chinese food. It'll happen"He shrugged "I will get it, i want to stand by you"She smiled "Thank you."She wiped her mouth and popped a breath freshner in her mouth. "I will brush after eating"She kissed his head. 

She devoured her muffin soon followed by her sandwich. "I am eating like i am you"She pouted after finishing her milkshake and apple. "Babe. Your pregnant. Your allowed to eat."She huffed again "But i will get fat"He looked into her eyes and grabbed her hands "Al, weight doesn't matter that is only a number on a scale. You are carrying our beautiful babies. You can eat everything in this house and you would still be gorgeous. Now come on we need to shower and leave"She nodded sadly, She showered whilst he brushed his teeth. She dried her hair added simple make up, pulled on a sexy set of pregnancy underwear. Followed by a tight dress to show her growing bump. "See sexy"He growled looking at the tight grey dress that clung to her curves. "I look okay"She looked over at him in his black suit pants and pastel blue shirt. "You look hot"She announced pulling on a small kitten heel. "I know"He was cocky but she loved that side of him. He grabbed her hand and the car keys before heading into work straight into a meeting.

"Look at that bump"Hermione whistled as they walked in "I eat like a Jones"Alice huffed "You are a Jones"Mary quipped. "And carrying two of them"Cheryl added. "Mh."Alice didn't sit on a chair she sat on Fp's lap. "Al its a meeting"He whispered "and i have cramps"She glared "Its okay, just no smooching. I was the same with Liv, Cheryl was the same with Everly, Veronica with Curtis and Josie with Freddie. "Betty swivled in her chair. "So the creche opens next week and we have a confirmed staff list"Cheryl clapped as Alice again felt nausea. She didn't speak she just pushed back Fp's chair and ran. "Morning sickness"Fp stood up and followed her to the bathroom "Aww he is so sweet"Toni smiled. "He is super protective. Millie jumped up at Alice and he panicked.He won't leave her side unless its absolutely necessary. "He missed Alot with the others so i don't blame him"Betty carried on the meeting 15 minutes later they walked back in Alice eating a muffin.Hermione chuckled as they sat down, Alice back in his lap. His hand moved to rest on her bump His chin on her shoulder the other hand circling her thigh. As she took the notes they needed to. He felt wrong as every time she lent forward or shifted he felt his pants become tighter.She laid back for a second. "We need to leave last you have a problem"She whispered "Your fault"He placed a soft kiss to her neck.

"I love you"he said a little to loudly "We love you too"Sweetpea chuckled "Shut up"Jughead threw a pen at his head. "I love you too Jones"She kissed his lips as Betty moved to Jughead's lap. "What is this lap day"Kevin asked. So everyone shuffled into their partners laps. Hermione and Mary being the only ones not with someone so Hermione sat on Mary's lap. "Just because Alice loves me and wants to be on my lap"Fp rolled his eyes "Heyyy who said i loved you,"She joked. "You did last night. Countless times if i recall, You weren't just saying you love me"Alice turned a deep shade of red. "Ewwww dad that was uncalled for"Jughead shook his head as he kissed Betty's neck gently.  Fp looked at Alice. The happiness in her eyes. The glow on her skin. The bump on her middle. He adored her. He loved her. She was his meaning to life. 

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