5. Friends

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"A smile from you could save my whole mood"

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"A smile from you could save my whole mood"


I was woken up by the noise of Someone taking a photo, but I was too tired to open my eyes.
After a while I decided to Open  my eyes slowly seeing Scott above the bed making a photo of me ?
I looked to my right and saw stiles cuddling me, still asleep.
Oh i get it now.
„Sorry didn't meant to wake you up you two just looked cute together" he smiled and jumped off the bed.
I slowly sat up.

„It's okay" I stood up and walked to the bathroom washing my face.
As I walked back stiles was already awake.
Scott was ready to go to school.
So was stiles.
„Oh Scott can you maybe give me a sweatshirt for today because I don't want to wear the same shirt as yesterday." I asked him he nod and gave me one who was way too big.
But I didn't care, thence started to walk towards our school, I quickly gave a call for my dad, letting him know I was walking to school.

My plan today was finding a friend.
Yeah I mean I kinda have Scott and stiles but I don't know if they really are my Friends?
So I looked around the school to find a girl who was interesting.
And maybe had the same sense of humor as me.

I came across a brown haired girl she looks shy and has nobody around her.
Guess that's my chance.
So I took it, i took the chance and walked up to her.
„hey I'm y/n, what's your name?"
I smiled while she closed her locker.
„I'm Allison, I'm new here" she smiled back.
„Oh really I was new here yesterday! That's crazy isn't it? So if you're new and I am new, maybe we could be friends and get to know each other?" I asked. I realized how weird that sounded.
And that she will think I am crazy or some kind of weird person.
I'm bad at making new friends.

„Yeah sure but i need to go now see you at lunch" she waved good bye
Yeah she seamed nice.
„OH MY GOD HOW IS SHE IS SHE NICE?" Scott literally screamed in my ear. Making me jump up in the air.
„Oh my god are you kidding me you gave me a heart attack!" I made a few steps back, hoping he will not scream in my ear anymore.

„Yeah he is scary isn't he" stiles said standing behind Scott.
He pepped out behind Scott's shoulder, making me smile a little.
„So what do you want?" i asked moving my eyes at Scott.

„How is she?" he repeated himself.
„Who Allison? I mean she's nice I'm trying to be friends with her" I looked at them both.
„Oh wow so we aren't enough?" stiles made the sad puppy face.
But I knew he was just joking.
„I mean are we even friends?"  I asked, being serous, i hoped for an yes or a sure.
„I mean If you want to?" stiles responded with a question.
Making me smile more.

„I mean yeah?" I responded to the question to my question with a question.
„You guys are weird" Scott interrupted our really weird conversation.
„Im weird you are weird we can be weird together" stiles winked at me and walked away.
Leaving me there with weak knees.

„Oh wow he's into you for sure" Scott smiled.
„Oh wow he's not into me because he doesn't even know me. But... you're into alisson" I smiled even brighter. Trying to get him to forget about what just happened.
„No I'm not" his smile faded, but I felt how nervous he was, so I knew he was lying.

Why are boys so bad at lying?

𝕀 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕕𝕚𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 / Stiles x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now