~Chapter Thirteen~

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With my eyes still closed, I could faintly hear all of the brothers screaming, concerned about what had just happened. Well, everyone except two of them. Subaru and Ayato. I opened my eyes slowly, seeing Reiji checking over me, trying to figure out what was wrong, with Kanato, Laito, and Shu all looking at us with concern. However, Subaru was in the corner of the room, just watching everything happen, with a blank look on his face.

"Hey! What about Yui!? She has gone missing! We need to find her before we do anything else!" Ayato screamed at the brothers, his built-up anger was now being let out towards us. "Yui is more important right now! Why can't you all see that!?"

"Are you even listening to yourself Ayato?!" Laito screamed back while walking over to where Ayato stood, in front of the sofa. The tone of his voice was dark and emotionless. "Yes, Yui is missing, but Yuki is in pain! We'll look for Yui, but not until Yuki is okay!"

"Yuki when was the last time you took those tables the lady told us to make sure you take every few hours?" Reiji asked me, looking me in the eyes. His red eyes piercing into mine. When was the last time I took them? Before I was at the Mukami Mansion, I think...

"Before I was at the Mukami mansion, but I'm not sure. Is that what's wrong with me?" I asked him, in a quiet voice. The room was still spinning, and my limbs felt like jelly but were also really badly aching at the same time. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the stomach with a knife repeatedly.

"It is a possibility that might be the cause. Do you know why you have to take them exactly?" Reiji replied, lifting my upper body up slowly, that way I could be sat up rather than lying down. He placed my head on his chest as a way to support me. One of his hands was placed lightly on my lower back, while the other brushed my hair out of my face.

"I have a Vitamin D deficiency. It can lead to a loss of bone density, which can contribute to osteoporosis and fractures (broken bones). Severe vitamin D deficiency can also lead to other diseases," I explained to him quietly, taking a hold of his top with one of my hands. Another hand is placed on mine. I looked over and saw Shu giving me a worried look.

"Why didn't you tell us this before now Yuki? We could've helped you," Shu asks. I shook my head lightly at him, my hand falling from Reiji's top to my lap limply. I closed my eyes for a moment, only to not be able to open them again.

"Reiji what do we do?" Kanato asks Reiji, hiding his face behind Teddy. Reiji looked down at Yuki, who was now peacefully asleep, but he could still notice that she was in a lot of pain. "What causes this to happen?"

" A deficiency in vitamin D can result from inadequate exposure to sunlight, inefficient production in the skin, not enough vitamin D in your diet, and health conditions. Whatever happened to her in the past, might have included her not getting the right food or the right amount of sunlight," Reiji replied, not taking his eyes of Yuki's sleeping face for a moment. "All of you go and help Ayato find Yui. I'll take care of Yuki and will join you when it is all sorted."

Everyone wanted to protest but knew that she was in good hands with Reiji. All of the brothers quickly teleported away, except for Shu, who stayed where he was, in front of Reiji. Reiji shot him an annoyed, confused look, only for Shu to send him one back with determination and concern. There was no way that Shu was going to leave Yuki, especially not in the state she is in.

"come along then," Reiji said quickly, voice void of emotions. He carefully picked up Yuki's body. She was light as a feather, making his question how much she had been given to eat at the Mukami mansion. He began walking up the stairs, towards his room, with Shu trailing behind him slowly. All of the brothers were thinking the same thing in their head.

Please wake up Yuki.... You fixed this family, and there is no way that we are letting you leave us again... you saved us, so now we will be saving you...

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