~Chapter Eight~

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Weeks have passed since the Mukami brothers had taken me into their home and since the meal, they took me out to for my birthday. They haven't let me leave the house ever since and I can't blame them, to be honest. It's not like I actually want to leave the house. That would mean that I would have to see Subaru and the Sakamaki brothers, and I don't think I am mentally prepared for that yet.

Every school night, one of the boys stay with me to keep me company and also to make sure that I don't leave the house, even after telling them I wouldn't step a foot out the house. Today, Yuma stayed with me and we spoke about some random things such as fruits, films, and other things, but he was acting off for some reason.

"Yuma?" I called him, catching his attention, making him look at me and giving me a look asking what was up. "What's up? I know you're hiding something, and I don't like it."

"it's nothing for you to worry about Yuki, I swear," he replied, patting me on the shoulder a little, attempting to reassure me. "it's something that is to do with me and the others, nothing else I promise you."

"Since I'm leaving with you, surely don't I have the right to know what is going on?" I asked him, standing up from the couch, making him stand up as well. "I trust all of you, so please, can you just trust me this once and tell me what is going on."

"It isn't my place to tell you. Wait until the others get back from school and we can speak about it then. Okay, princess?" Yuma asked, looking at me with the face that told me that he was going to do as he said.

"Okay fine. What shall we do until then?" I asked him. He gave me a smirk making me blush a little and hit in on the side of the head. My reaction just made him laugh and ruffle my hair. I know he was joking, but I can't control how I feel.

"Come on, we'll get some fruit from the garden, and make some soup to save Ruki from cooking later. How about that?" he asked, heading towards the back-garden doors where the fruits and plants all stood in triumph. I gave him a nod and we headed outside.

While picking the fruit, Yuma kept on giving me some to try, such as small tomatoes, and I have to say, he is very good at growing plants and fruits. We had almost finished getting all of the things we needed when I felt a pair of arms embrace me from behind, scaring me. I turned around only to see Laito with a concerned look on his face rather than his usual smirk.

"So is there where you have been all this time? Sadly, I'm afraid that it's time for your adventure to end and for you to come home," he said while looking at me dead in the eyes, telling me that one way or another, I would return to the Sakamaki household, willingly or by force.

"She's not going anywhere Sakamaki, so I suggest you let her go and leave," Yuma said, pulling me out of Laito's embrace and pulling me towards him until I was hidden behind his large back. I gripped the back of his shirt lightly.

"Stay out of this Mukami, she doesn't belong to you, she belongs to me and my brothers," Laito said making me realize that he was right. I belonged to them, and that was why I couldn't leave on my own accord.

"Hello, we are here about the deal we made over the phone," said the woman who was with me. There was a second of silence before she spoke again. "thank you. Come along my dear."

My face turned into an annoyed look. She knows I hate to be called 'my dear' as only Beatrix called me that. we walked into the mansion and to a room on the left where there were two couches and a couple of chairs. I sat in one of the chairs with my head still down.

"you already know the deal so, here is her medication, two every four hours and as a warning, she is extremely shy and doesn't speak at all. If you ask her a question, then she will reply using her note pad. That is all you need to know. It was a pleasure working with you," she said. A couple of seconds later, I heard the door closing meaning that I was left here alone with the owner of the mansion.

The deal that they had made was that I would be their blood bag until I die, and I got some type of freedom. There really wasn't anything in the deal for me. My shocked face made Laito realize that I kind of realized that he was correct.

"Don't you know Yuki? ~" Laito asked, moving closer to where me and Yuma stood. "When we took you in, we took you in for good, well until you perish. That's how it is Yuki. You belong to us, not them, so come with me, and no harm will be done."

"Why me?" I asked him with a small amount of confidence. "Out of everyone why did you pick me? Why did you pick the one awkward, shy girl when you could've had someone happier, cuter or prettier?"

"Me and the others weren't allowed to pick," he revealed, confusing me. "Reiji picked you because he knew who you were. This whole time, while you thought that none of us knew who you were, Reiji was in the back watching you torture us all and yourself."

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