~Chapter Nine~

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"You can't hide from your fate so come with me and no harm will be done," Laito said, placing his hand out in front of him for me to take. I took a step back but found myself cornered by the greenhouse.

"Hey, she's not just some toy that you get to keep, she has the right to stay here, and trust me when I say that the brothers and I will not let you leave here with her," came a voice from the door. We all looked over and say Ruki, Azusa, and Kou with sour looks on their faces.

"This doesn't concern any of you half-bloods, this only concerns Yuki," Laito said, bitter and venom laced in his voice. "Now come with me Yuki, I don't want to have to hurt you."

"Not until you explain what you meant by Reiji watching me torture you guys and myself," I said, determined to get a proper answer. "You tell me, you leave the Mukami brothers alone, and then I will go with you."

"After you left us, Reiji went looking for you, and when he found you, he was determined to get you out of that place, and he did. He got you out of there and took you to a place where he thought you would be safe. When you became of age, Reiji phoned up and got you to stay with us, and you did. The deal was, you stay with us until you perish, and you get to live like a normal person," Laito explained, a smirk on his face the entire time.

"That's sick," Kou said, disgust evident on his face.

"And kidnapping Yuki isn't sick? We saved her and brought her somewhere safe, you took her and are leaving her here to rot by not letting her out of the house or be left alone," Laito replied, his voice filled with sass and cockiness. He turned his attention back to me. "I've told you what you wanted to know, and I haven't harmed the half-bloods, so now, it's your turn."

"Fine," I said hesitantly and took hold of Laito's still extended hand. Within a second later, we were outside the Sakamaki mansion. I'm not ready for this. Being here means I have to possibly come face to face with Subaru. I haven't seen him since the Mukami brothers took me.

"Hey, don't worry about Subaru. He'll be out in the garden and will stay there, or will be somewhere out in the town, so you won't have to face him. At least not today," Laito said, placing his hand on my shoulder, obviously sensing the fear I had. He pushed me a little, telling me to move towards the doors. So, I did.

"What were you thinking!?" Kanato screamed at me while shaking my shoulders vigorously. "You left us alone and didn't even give us a reason why! We've done so much for you and this is how you repay us!?"

"Kanato," Reiji said, his voice more stern than I have ever before. "Screaming at her won't do us any good. Your questions are very good, but the way you are asking them will not get you an answer. Why don't you leave the question asking me?"

"Look, I didn't actually have a choice about going to the Mukami mansion. They took me in after I passed out at the school, and since then, I've been forced to stay there. They wouldn't let me leave the mansion, and I wouldn't be left alone by myself," I explained to Reiji. After hearing my answer, he gave me a smirk with a predatory look in his eyes.

"And yet you still enjoyed it there didn't you Yuki? You wanted to stay there with the Mukami's, but you can't because you belong to us and not them. Next time you leave, you will not be treated as nicely as you have been now," Reiji said. He then stood up, took a tight hold of my wrist, and teleported us to the library where he pinned me against the bookshelf and bite me in the neck.

His grip got tighter and tighter as he drank more of my blood. However, my vision was getting more worse and blurrier. Unsure of what to do, I placed my hand on the back of his neck, while his hands went on my shoulder and on the hand that was on the back of his neck.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me Reiji. You saved me from both of those horrible places, and even after me getting kidnapped, you're still treating me nicely," I whispered in his ear, making him stop drinking my blood, and move his face so that it was in front of mine. His face showed shock and confusion. "but there was something that Ruki said to me. Did Yui really get ill the same day that I passed out?"

"Yui never got ill Yuki. We were all at school the entire day. We thought that you had gone home with Ayato as he left the school early, but when we got home and found neither of you two there, we began to search for you," Reiji explained, his face had gone back to cold and deadpan. " Ruki lied to you Yuki, to get you to trust him and believe you."

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