~Chapter Nineteen~

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Laito and Shu just stared at me shocked. They were clearly unsure what to think or say. I know I certainly would feel the same if I just found out that a friend of yours has considered doing... somethings.

Not wanting to hear anything, I stood by from the piano and left the music room, feeling both of their eyes linger on me until I was out of their sight. What should I do now? As much as I am not happy with what the Mukami brothers did, I need to know the truth about why they did it. Walking down to the front door, I looked around me and saw no one. No one was around to stop me.


After a while of walking, I made it to the outside gate of the Mukami mansion. The main light in the living room window was on, meaning that the brothers were in. As a began to walk up towards the door, there was a voice in the back of my head.

"Yuki listen to me. You need to leave. Leave the Sakamaki brothers and do not return to the Mukami household. Please for your safety, do what I say." I could still hear Beatrix in the back of my head warning me. As much as I want to do as she tells me to, I need answers. I walked up to the door and knocked.

The door slowly opened revealing a mop of blond hair in a bun, letting me know that it was Yuma. Seeing me at the door shocked him. I suppose he was not expecting me to return back. Another head appeared next to Yuma that had bright blonde hair. Kou Mukami.

"Yuki what are you doing here? It's late and not safe here," Yuma asked, blocking the door so that Kou could not tackle me into a hug. Although they did hurt me, I did have a nice friendship with all of the brothers.

"I need answers from your brother," I said quietly. Thankfully, the brothers had heightened hearing, being vampires, so they heard me perfectly. The darkened look in their eyes gave away that they too were looking for answers from him, but I do not think they want the same ones.

Yuma opened the door wider to let me in. I quickly made my way inside while feeling a breze against my arms. Kou quickly brought me into a tight hug, with his arms around my waist and my arms around his chest.

"It's nice to have you back Yuki. We've missed you. Well... most of us have missed you. Azusa has been asking about you no stop. He'll be really happy to see you again. " Kou said while letting go of me. Yuma wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we walked into the living room where Azusa and Ruki were sat.

Azusa shot up and ran over to give me a hug, whereas Ruki was nowhere to be seen in the room. Azusa let go and sat back down. Yuma dragged me over to the sofa where I sat next to Kou, Azusa in the armchair to my side, and Yuma across from me.

"So what do we do?" Kou asked, continuing on the conversation they were having before I arrived.

"Yeah... if we never get Eve back..." Azusa spoke quietly, looking down towards the table. They were talking about Yui and I'm guessing about how Ruki just let Ayato take her right in from of him.

"How should I know? Ruki won't say anything," Yuma said, glaring ever so slightly down at the table. They were all clearly annoyed and angry at Ruki.

"But still, why would Ruki Kun allow the masochistic kitten to escape that day?" Kou asked the question that had been in the heads of the others.

"I... wondered about that, too..." Azusa agreed along with Kou.

"He seemed really anxious when there was no sign of the awakening. There must be some reason behind it," Yuma said. Kou then looked at me, noticing my confused face.

"The process of a bride fully turning into a Vampire is called the 'awakening'. Up until Yui, all the other brides were regular humans so their bodies could not withstand the transformation into a Vampire, leaving them unable to 'awaken', instead of being turned into familiars or wax dolls," Kou explained, referencing how Kananto turned the brides into dolls. "I've never seen Ruki Kun act like this before."

A zoned out for a few seconds when one of the windows broke, a red and black wolf charging through it with yellow glowing eyes. The boys quickly stood up, Kou bringing me up with him, and moving me behind him, to protect me. More and more wolves kept coming through the broken window.

"What the hell are they!?"

I have no idea why, but while writing this, it reminded me of "Dance with Devils" which is you haven't watched, then I fully suggest you do.  absolutely love it.

Love you all <3

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