Hell's Gate Bridge- Alabama

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Hell's Gate Bridge is located in Oxford, Alabama. There are many supposedly haunted bridges throughout Alabama but a popular one is Hell's Gate Bridge. The story of Hell's Gate Bridge starts back in the 1950s. A story of what happened goes something like this. A young couple was driving over the bridge one night when somehow the couple drove off the bridge and into the water below. The couple couldn't get out of the car in time and both drowned.

There are actually two urban legends that goes with Hell's Gate Bridge. One being if you drive your car to the middle of the bridge and turn off the lights the couple will suddenly appear in your car and leave a wet spot in your seat.

The other one is how the bridge got it's name. It is said that if you drive over the bridge and look over your shoulder half way through the scenery that was once behind you turns into a portal to hell and you will see your car get engulfed in flames.

Now thanks to ghost hunters and bored teens Hell's Gate Bridge is actually closed to cars but you are still able to walk across the bridge. Walking across the bridge could be dangerous so I don't recommend it.

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Stay inside and wash your hands! 🧼
I love you all!!!💜
Air hug 🤗

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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