Facial treatment- Korean

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Hello 👋  ^^^ I couldn't find a picture that went with this legend so just enjoyed my seven beautiful babies 💜💜💜

This is a legend that involves cockroaches (again) and beauty treatments (again). It is said that this legend might have been made due to all of the Koreans that obsess over skincare products and having nice clean smooth skin. The story goes like this:

There was a man who had horrible acne and scars from smallpox on his face. As the time went by he became more and more desperate to get rid of all of his scars and pimples to the point where he was literally willing to try anything to get rid of them. He used countless amounts of face creams and other beauty like products he had seen online but none of them seemed to work. One day he decided to go to a fortune teller for some advice. The fortune teller had told him about a special treatment destined to cure the scarring on his face. She told him in order for the treatment to work he had to find a cockroach before he went to bed and place the cockroach next to his pillow. By sleeping with a cockroach beside you the fortune teller explained it would clear up all the scarring and make his skin a lot smoother then before.

The man thought it sounded ridiculous and disgusting but he was hopeless and had believed what the fortune teller had told him. Later on the man caught a cockroach and went to his bed. He sat it down next to his pillow and fell asleep. Once the morning came he looked over at the spot he had placed the cockroach and discovered it was gone. The man then noticed his face was feeling rather itchy. The man then rushed over to a mirror to look at himself. He had then saw that all of his scars were gone and his wish had come true. He was overwhelmed that it worked and finally felt confident about his looks. However when he was looking closer at his face he saw that his scars weren't gone instead his pores were filled with tiny cockroach eggs.

Sadly that's the end of the story but it was a good ending. The image of this idea is definitely not as pleasing as I thought. But scientists have debunked this urban legend. Also cockroaches can't lay eggs small enough to fit in your pores. Cockroaches lay Ootheca which is also known as egg cases which have a bunch of babies in a single one. The eggs are larger then pores, the average size in America is eight millimeters. So in order for them to fit in your pores they would have to jam themselves into your pores which I highly doubt they would do. Also human faces have thousands of pores in there face and it would probably take more then one day to lay egg cases in tiny holes in one night.

Many know there have been cases of cockroaches crawling into ears and noses, including a case where a woman having the experience of a cockroach crawling up her nose and into her skull for a full twelve hours. In that horrible disaster doctors had to pull the living bug which had been stuck in the skull area in between the woman's eyes and out of her nose. But let's not talk about anymore of that. The best way to respond if someone tells you to set a cockroach next to you while you sleep to get rid of acne is to tell them that they are crazy and enjoy your day.

Hello I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm surprised at how many legends have cockroaches in them. Anyways I hope you had fun reading and can sleep tonight without being freaked out or worried that a cockroach might crawl in your nose or ear 😉. Anyways aside from all that I love you allllll soooo sooooo soooooo much and I hope you have a great day! BYEEEE! AIR HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG!! 🤗💜

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