The elevator killer- Korean

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This is the first legend that is not Japanese!!YAY

This legend has more then one name there is the elevator killer, the man in the elevator, and the elevator murderer. This obviously has something to do with a man an elevator and a victim. What the elevator killer does is he will take the elevator with you and he will act very suspicious and weird and you will eventually get weirded out. He will then get of at his stop but he will look at the floor you get off at and will be on his way. You will feel relieved once he's gone until you get to your stop. When the door opens you will be greeted by the same man wearing a sinister smile on his face. Before you are able to close the doors to the elevator he will pull out a knife and stab you to death he will then walk in the elevator with your dead body and go to the lobby. Once he reaches the lobby he will leave your dead body in the elevator and walk away out of the elevator and disappear into the night. The staff or guests will soon find your body and call police. When the try to find who did it they will get puzzled because they won't find any evidence or any trace of a person who did the crime. Here is a short story about the elevator killer:

Once there was girl named Haruko she was nineteen years old and had very high hopes for her future life. She had been attending a university in Korea and worked very hard each day to make sure she would be able to pass. One day Haruko went to the library to finish one of her projects. She had been determined to finish her project before the due date. After she had finally completed the project she realized how late it had became. It was dark outside and she was creeped out but she knew she had to get home. She had soon reached her apartment building. Haruko lived on the 14th floor and she had become tired from walking to the library to her apartment building so instead of taking the stairs she decided to take the elevator. As soon as the elevator opened she walked inside and pressed floor 14 but before the door closed she say a man running to the doors of the elevator. He quickly put his hand out to stop the elevator doors from closing. After the doors opened fully he walked into the elevator standing next to Haruko. Once he had caught his breath he looked at the elevator numbers and realized the number 14 light was on.

"So you live on the 14th floor?" The man asked after realizing the 14th light was on. "Yes" replied Haruko. "I live on the 13th." The man then said while smiling at her. The man had then pressed the number 13. They both stood in silence Haruko then felt lost and wondered her eyes over to the man beside her. She then thought to herself he is handsome and he seems pretty nice I wonder if maybe we could date sometime or see each other more. Every time the man caught her staring he looked at her and all she responded was with a smile and her eyes fluttering. The elevator had then reached the 13th floor. When the doors had opened the man said "see you...." "yes..see you-"
"Upstairs!" The man said cutting off Harukos words. The man then pulled out a knife from his jacket leaving Haruko terrified. He then began laughing maniacally and started running towards the stair case. The doors to the elevator shut before she could think of a plan. As the seconds ticked by she had realized what her fate would soon be. Panicking she started to hammer at the buttons with her fist trying to make it reach any other floor but the 14th. She soon realized nothing could stop the elevator once the floors button was pushed. There was not even a emergency stop to stop the elevator which only made her situation worse. Haruko has her phone but knew there wasn't enough time for help to arrive and save her. She then started screaming for help but after realizing it was useless she stopped. She had began hammering at the buttons again to try and cause a malfunction or an overload in the system but it was no use. She had soon arrived the 14th floor. As the doors slowly slid open the man was standing on the other side from her waiting for her with a sinister smile plastered on his face.

The girls body was found the next day brutally stabbed to death in the elevator. The man was never found and never was able to be tracked as if he had never been there that night. It is said that this is one of the reasons why there are stop buttons on an elevator now. This story is also to scare people about elevators. One can get stressed and terrified over thinking about the girl desperately trying to escape but failing and instead going through all of the pain of being stabbed over and over and over again. And she was completely helpless no matter how hard she tried escaping there was no way out.

So are you scared of elevators?

Hello I'm backed this is the first Korean urban legend so far but don't worry there will be more I hope that you really really injoyed this urban legend. This one was a little longer but that is fine. I didn't really get a lot of information about this urban legend I only really got a long story about it but I tried to sum it up as much as possible before I told the story. Well again I hope you really enjoyed it and leave a comment saying if you are scared of elevators or not. I hope you had a great day I love y'all AIR HUG 🤗 BYEEE! 💜

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