Taxi driver- Korean

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If you don't like taxis this one is so not for you trust me.

When you travel to a foreign county it is very common for people to ride in a taxi to ride around since you are not familiar to the country. Your experiences with taxi drivers could be either bad or could be good really depending on the driver since they can be rude and greedy. They will most likely charge you more money since you are from a foreign county and they will think you don't know how much money others pay. Over all a taxi ride can be rough. But according to Korea it can get way worse then handing over some money. It is said that because of how little taxi drivers get paid some drivers turn to very drastic measures. Some also thought that people who wanted to steal people's organs they could easily go under cover as a taxi driver to lure them into there trap. They thought it would be easy to do because all you had to do was welcome the person in the car, drug them, and then drive off somewhere and get the job done. The rumors of this started to grow until a stories were being told of this actually happening to people. One of the most popular stories is of a screenshot text from the app KakaoTalk. KakaoTalk is an app that people use to text and call people very similar to other texting apps. This screenshot because very popular with the help of people sharing it to friends or to social media's. Here is what the text is said to say:

 Here is what the text is said to say:

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A: "Don't take taxis around city hall. Someone my friend knows had to go into surgery yesterday because his kidney was taken."

B: "Gasp."

A: "He got on a taxi while drunk."

B: "His kidney?"

B: "Gasp;;;;;;;;;;;"

A: "Someone put a needle in his neck. He lost consciousness and was defenseless. When he came to, he was bleeding from his stomach and abdomen in a farm field. He was taken to a hospital and they told him one of his kidneys were missing."

This legend grew so popular to the point where local police departments did some investigating into the possible crime and found no evidence whatsoever of anything bad possibly happening. Even with knowing these reports some people still believe this legend to be true. There is actually a report of a drunk man coming home after a long night of drinking. With him being to intoxicated to think straight he called for a taxi cab and climbed into the back seat. During the drive he had gotten a call from his wife. Once he told her he was in a taxi she quickly told told him about the legend. When he heard this he had jumped out of the moving taxi causing him to break his arm. Even though the legend of the taxi driver hit Korea the hardest the legend is also very popular in other regions. The idea of waking up in an icy bathtub without one's kidney is terrifying which is why it is frequently used in horror movie and stories. This legend is where the waking up in an icy bathtub story was said to begin. So if I was you I would ride the bus instead of a taxi.

Hello I'm back I hope you liked this chapter and aren't terrified of taxi if you are my bad 🤗 but anyways I hope you really injoyed and I'll be updating a lot more unless I have something really really important to do with my life but anyways I hope you have a good day and I love you all so much AIR HUG!! Thanks for reading it means a lot! 💜💜💖❤️

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