Me being dramatic and apoligizing!

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Ok so the reasons I haven't been updating is because I have been so busy first off I had my graduation and I was valedictorian which I was shook but I had to write my own speech and then say it in front of not only my class not only the whole school but MY FAMILY AND OTHET PEOPLES FAMILIES!! So I had to write a speech and then the next day was graduation and I cried because it is my last year of that amazing school I go to I have to transfer to another school because the school I graduated from only goes to 6th grade because our school is small very small. So that was sad because I love that school and being the baby I am I cried the day after as well. Then I was gonna update the next day but I didn't get the chance to. Then yesterday I couldn't update because I was at my cousins all day. And now today I was in town for most of the day then I was at my pawpaws with my cousins and almost DIED. Here is the story of how I almost died. Me and my cousin were pretending to be vampires and my brother and other cousin was vampire hunter or whatever there called. So me and my cousin had these "safe spots" as we called them where we vampires could go but humans couldn't so basically our lairs. We had 3 lairs. Before I say anymore there is this old abandoned house that we used to put our old stuff in so it's like our storage. Me and my cousin was on the back porch of the abandoned house and we were trying to go to the front porch because we were cleaning the porches because we had nothing better to do because my other cousin and brother was talking. So we went to the side of the house since the hunters (other cousin and brother) was on the other side and we started running just Incase the started chasing us. I was in front of my cousin running. Another thing you need to know we have this black thick wire thing that we don't know what it is but if we touch it it will electrocute you. So I was running in front of my cousin and we had almost reached the porch whenever I came soooo close to stepping on a SNAKUE!!! I had a broom in my head and three sticks I don't know why I had three sticks but I did ok. So when I saw the snakue I thought it was just the wire thing until I saw yellow stripes on the side of it and EyEs! So I started running as fast as I possibly could and I didn't mean to but I threw the broom backwards and I hit my cousin in the face with it and she fell on the ground in front of the snakue. I was so ScAReD y'all! I thought it was CHASING ME! So I never even looked back and checked on my cousin because I seriously thought that the snakue was chasing me because it got mad at me for almost stepping on it! I know I'm stupid. So I starting running even faster then I already was leaving my cousin to die still thinking it was chasing me so I without thinking threw the sticks behind me hoping it would hit the snakue that I thought was chasing me but instead it hit my cousin that got hit with the broom. It turns out she had gotten up from the ground and started running behind me again and I thought she was the snakue so I accidentally hit her with the sticks. I didn't know though so I kept running and I ran to my other cousin and brother and started screaming about the snakue I saw and we have to leave now. The bad thing was that we rode out bikes down to our pawpaws house and mine and my cousins bikes (the cousin I hit with broom and sticks) were where the snakue was so me and my cousin (the one I hit) just started running down the road because our Pawpaw wasn't home luckily my aunt lives right next to my Pawpaw and my house is right next to my aunts house. So we went in the house and started screaming about the snakue again and that's when I realized I hit my cousin with a broom and sticks and I felt so bad 😫😭! She's younger then me to! So after all that me and my brother went home I had to walk because I left my bike and REFUSE to go back to that house so my brother laughed in my face because I had to walk while he got to ride his bike. So I didn't get to write today 😔 because of that. But I will try to tomorrow I PROMISE! Thx for being patient though. I hope you enjoyed me being dramatic and my funny and terrifying story. I love you all!!!! BYEEEEE AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG!!!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍😫😂

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