White strings-Japanese

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The white string is a rather strange urban legend from Japan. This story is about ear piercing. This legend was very popular in the 80's to get your ears pierced in Japan. But whenever this urban legend was told it stopped quite a few young kids from getting there ears pierced. This is a story of what happened to a young girl that got her ears pierced. One day there was this young girl that begged her parents to get her ears pierced. Her parents told her that she was far to young and she should wait a few years.  The young girl continued to beg her parents saying that her classmates were doing it and she didn't want to be left out so finally her parents gave in. The parents then gave her some money and told her to go to the mall to get it done in the jewelry shop. But the young girl was greedy and kept the money for herself and decided to do it herself. She called one of her best friends to help her do it because she thought it would be hard on her own.

The young girls then took a needle and heated it up so there would be no infections and then stuck the needle through the girls ear. The girl would now be able to wear any earrings she wanted. So far everything went like it was supposed to but after a few days later the girl was in school when all of a sudden her ear started to hurt a lot. Her ear was very itchy as well. The young girl then went to the bathroom and look at her ear. She had discovered that her ear was very red, burning, and itchy. The young girl was scratching at it a lot trying to stop the itch. She then noticed what looked like the end of a white string was coming out of her earlobe. She began pulling at it and she noticed it went on and on almost like there wasn't an end. She then got tired of pulling the white string and got a pair of scissors and cut the white string hanging from her earlobe. Right after she cut it everything turned black. A student came in the bathroom and the young girl explained it all to her. The young girl was then sent to the hospital where everything was explained. The doctor told her that the white string you were pulling at was actually an optic nerve. He also told her that you should've come to the hospital before cutting because now you will be blind for the rest of your life.

Authors note: Thank you all for reading it was actually hard for me to find information because I would only find the red string. But I know it's not that good but maybe it's readable. Hope you enjoyed this story and have a great day byee!! 💜

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