Day 13- Suspicious Humans

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~~Day 13- Suspicious Humans~~

Back to Willow's POV :)

I felt so different, holding hands with the heartbreaker. It was a good different, admittedly, but I was still slightly cautious. I guess...
I guess I was almost anxious of holding his hand, which was perfect for me- it was huge compared to mine and it fit like a perfect glove, made purely for me. But I also revelled in the mere feeling of being wanted, the mere feeling of almost importance. It was something foreign to me and I liked it.

Amber and I were on almost friendly terms, we spoke quite amiably and I’m sure she never growled at me when we passed in the hallway or the corridor. I truly believed she had changed, and I believed anyone could under the right influence… For better or for worse.

So, I had arrived at school with Cal, much to my parent’s pleasure- they were instantly bowled over by this good lucks and charm like most people, and we were walking up the front steps into the school when a girl tripped over something and her books were sprawled around our feet. Being the person I was brought up to be, I was instantly on my hands and knees helping her pick up the books while she went beet red.

 “Are you okay?” I asked kindly, handing her the books.

She smiled sheepishly, “Yes, thank you… I tripped over my own feet; it’s hard getting used to-“
She was cut off suddenly by a quick voice,

“Oh THERE you are, Marisa! Look at you, you’re beetroot colour.” She exclaimed suddenly.
Marisa put her hands to her face slowly, before sighing,

 “I’ll have to get used to this…” She muttered to the girl.

 Get used to what? I thought curiously.

“Well, anyway, thank you! I’m Marisa, and who are you?” Marisa asked smiling, her dark blue eyes fathomless once again.

“I’m Willow, and this is my mate, Caleb.” I introduced, gesturing toward Cal who was looking faintly puzzled but amused.

“Caleb?” Marisa choked, surprised.

“That’s what she said, Marisa.” The girl with her said softly, smiling slightly.

Huh, how strange, I thought, curiousness engulfing me.

“We must get going,” Marisa said smiling, “It was nice meeting you- we should meet up some time without me falling over.”

“Oh, and I am Thaliana, but you can call me Thalia,” The mysterious girl called back before leaving with Marisa.

I sat at my desk bored, Cal was in a different class and I would even endure Amber right now because I was bored to tears. Somone poked me in the back, causing me to swivel round. My mouth opened for an insult, but I saw it was Marisa and it smiled instead. “Whoa, hey it’s only me!” She whispered, grinning back, the light hitting off her pearly whites.

I rolled my eyes laughing softly, “Who knows who it was, Marisa right?” I added, hoping it was.

“Indeed,” She replied, tilting her head to the side looking beautiful. Her long curled black locks were tinted with a royal blue to match her dark, piercing eyes. “And you’re Willow, right?” She added with a slightly sarcastic smile.

“Yup.” I agreed, “So where is your friend, Thalia?” I asked curiously, peering around the room in case I could see her.

Marisa laughed slightly, “She’s not here, but I’m meeting with her for lunch. Would you like to join us?” She asked kindly.

I thought about it… It did sound a lot more appealing than making forced small talk about handbags with the popular (‘popular’) people that Cal hung out with. “Sure!” I replied, “That would be great! Thanks,” I was slightly too enthusiastic, but Marisa grinned like she was just as enthusiastic.

The bell rung and the teacher gladly dismissed us on time- thankfully, I do hate those teachers who enjoy watching you squirm when the bell goes and they just look at you. We walked out of the classroom in amiable conversation, until we saw our friends.

“Hey Tal,” Marisa greeted Thalia smiling, who smiled back, then smiled over at me.

“Hey Cal, I’m having lunch with these two.” I told Caleb, watching for his reaction. To my surprise, he didn’t object, like I had anticipated, he merely winked at Marisa and Thalia, his eyes sparkling.

“3 ladies, what more could I ask for?” He smirked, winking at Marisa, who was so beautiful it hurt, causing me to hit his arm with enough force to show I was hurt.

“Kidding, babe, you know I love you.” He murmured, kissing the tip of my nose affectionately. I blushed, and muttered that we were in public, causing Marisa and Thalia to smile slightly, and Cal to chuckle.


Authors note: Please vote for this chapter, much appreciated! Thank you especially for all the support and votes that I receive. I am going to post the next chapter at 10 votes and 20 views J Thank you so much.
Thank you for my Cover @PierceBlackSirens17 its amazing!

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