Part Fourteen

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Ian's pov

 It has only been four days since Sian and I stopped talking. Just four days. Fours days have felt like forever. Painful for my heart, and my head. I really need to apologise to her for blurting out my knowledge of her dark and secretive past. Obviously, i told Isabelle about that night. Who else could I tell? Everyone had kept me in the dark, except Isabelle.

    I cross over to my window. The lights are on in the library. It will be quiet, peaceful, a place where i can get away from Adam's excessive singing next door. So, i grab my bag and head out into the misty morning air. It's not that Adam's singing is bad but when someone sings constantly about 'fireflies' then it doe tend to get annoying.

  I slowly push open the double doors to the library. I look over at the desk and smile at Mrs Hart, the librarian, who returns it sweetly. A dark-haired girl is sat at a computer, creating a power-point about 'Indian food' or something. I'm not surprised that she is the only person to be seen, it is only 7:55 am. But she isn't alone, and it's not just me, I turn the corner to see a girl with blond hair reading a book; Sian. She looks up at me, frowns a little, and then close her book and places it on the table.

 "Don't go!" I say, bringing her movements to a stop. "Don't go because of me"

   I sit down and take a seat opposite her. "Well?" She asks me coldly.

"Sian, i know you said we should forget about what happened but I am sorry." I say.

She narrows her eyes. "Why are you still on about it then?"

"The others know something has happened between us because we have stopped talking. Just, please, forgive me?" I almost beg her. I watch as conflicting emotions cross her face, so at least she has thought about it.

"Ok" she finally says. I let out a igh of relief. "I'm sorry too"

I smile a little. "No Problems" My eyes then flicker down to the opened letter that lies next to the book that Sian was reading moments ago.

"Curious?" I look up to see Sian raising one of her eyebrows. "it's jut a letter from my mum"

"Your mom?" i ask, partially shocked.

"Yep. Just saying that i can go on this trip that you told me about. And that she loves me and wants me to come home. Blah! Blah! Blah" Sian spit the words out like venom.

  Maybe Sian's mom has changed  but i'm not going to argue with her. Instead, all i say is, "I still need to ask my parents"

"They'll say yeah for sure" she nods to reassure herself.

"They might want me to go back home" I say almost in a whisper.

"I don't want you to go" Sian says rather defensively. "I mean, your my friend and..."

  From inside her pocket, her phone starts to vibrate. She jumps before pulling out the phone and pressing it against her ear.

"Hello?... What' the matter?... Ok. I'll be a minute...Bye" 

 I supress a smile and ask her; "You have to go?"

Sian nods in reply. "I'll see you later though, right?"

"Sure" I reply and watch her walk away. I wonder who was on the phone. Obviously from the school house. Was it Alice or Isabelle perhaps? Well, at least we are talking again, which is a load of weight lifted from my shoulders. I feel better. Slightly more motivated. I still haven't found my ring, though, which is really annoying. The blue gem in the centre of it reminds me of Sian's eyes, just a lighter shade.

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