Part One

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'...standin' in the light 'til it's over. Out of our minds...'

I slam my hand hard onto the wooden desk attempting to grab my phone but miss it. I love waking up to 'Example' on full blast and everything but my system isn't ready to wake up this early. Well, i don't actually have a choice about the time i wake up; it's either get an alarm or be shaken awake by Miss Rose. I think the last time i forgot about my alarm she may have actually left hand prints on my shoulders.

 Pulling off my covers, i slip of my bed and  walk over to my little sink. I grab the flannel that hangs by it and dap it under the tap before rehydrating and washing my face. I search around for my uniform for around five minutes before finding it at the back of my wardrobe and put it on.


"Sian! Come on. Your going to be late!" Miss Rose shouts through my door. I impatiently look up at the small clock that hangs above my sink and groan.

"Miss, it's only 7:45!! I have ages left before school starts" i groan again.

"Get out of this room and downstairs...NOW!" She screams. I grab my bag and swing open the door to see a very wary looking Miss Rose; hand on hips.

"Don't start. don't get your bloody knickers in a twist" I attempt to walk past her but she pulls me back by my bag strap.

"Head's office" She points towards the school main entrance.

"Fine" I say, storming off in the opposite direction of the dining hall and towards the office. Passing the door of the boys' corridor, Alexander walks out and almost bashes into me. He drops a sheet of paper and i pick it up before he's even noticed.

i look at it before giving him a puzzled look. "Guitar lessons? Alexander Ludwig playing the guitar is something i have to see"

He gives a light laugh. "Thanks for the support, Sian. Where you off to anyway?"

"Head's office, you?" i reply, handing him back the piece of paper.

"Not again? You and Miss Rose? Or was it with someone else? Stop offending people!" he shakes his head as we both walk in the direction of the head's office.

"I only told Miss Rose to not get her knickers in a twist, Xander." I look up at him. Something I rarely do because it hurts my neck. "Why are you so tall?"

This makes him laugh. "Why are you so small? it works both ways. Do you want me to wait for you after Mr Johnson has another go at you?"

I shake my head. "Get some food and find Isabelle and Alice for me? Tell them about me and Miss Rose?"

"Sure" he replies and knocks on Mr Johnson's door. A few moments later, he appears at the door.

"Hurry up. I'm sorting out some new students. Alexander? Sian?" he says combing through his grey hair as though still fifteen.

"Could you please sign this form for me, sir?" Alexander asks him.

"Certainly" He says taking the form from Alexander's hands and scribbling his signature down on the dotted line. "Now off you go."

He turns to me as Alexander walks off, his eyebrows raised. "And you Sian?"

"I had a go at Miss Rose. I told her not to get her knickers in a twist because i was going to be late for breakfast... at 7:45" I explain.

He sighs deeply. "Sian, what have I told you? It's one of your last years here now. Please try and co-operate with Miss Rose? Take a seat. I will just finish up with Adam and Ian. New students in your year and most if not all of your classes."

I nod and take a seat next to the office door. I hear mumbling followed by the sound of chairs scooching backwards. I sit up straight ready to get my punishment sorted when the door opens.

A boy with brown hair and a weird side fringe steps out first. He looks a little weird in the uniform or maybe just an unfamiliar face. Then steps out another boy with jet black hair. He looks at me for a second but his eyes flit away.

"Hello" the boy with the weird fringe extends his hand to me. "I'm Adam. Adam Young"

"Hi" i say, shaking his hand.

The boy who was next to Adam also extends his hand. "Ian. Ian Nelson"

"Sian. Are you staying in the school house?" i reply. Ian is actually really cute but i can't start to let down my guard. Not now. Not ever.

"yeah. Sir said that you were in many of our classes" Adam bursts in. I step back, slightly worried that he'll attack me.

"Um... Ok..." I say before Mr Johnson orders me in the office. I catch that Ian staring at me again. If i can become his friend, i won't have the awkward task of keeping up my protective walls. It was the same with Alexander and now he is one of my closest friends in the world.

"Sian. I don't want any trouble on the first day back to school so I shall issue a warning only.Now go" he re-opens the door and i step out. What a waste of time! I could be having breakfast right now. i hurry down to the dining hall to try and find Alexander, Isabelle and Alice.

 I walk into the room and i'm instantly greeted by Isabelle who gives me a tight hug. She must have come to the school house late last night because I didn't see her arrive.

"Sian I've missed you" she says, releasing me fro mher embrace.

"Me too! how was Greece?" I ask, remembering that she went on holiday a few weeks ago.

"Too hot if you ask me. No it was amazing and the boys there were really cute!" She watches as my eyebrows lift as in to ask 'What about Xander?'. "But of course I stayed loyal to Alexander"

I laugh a little and we go to join Alice and Alexander at the table to find two more people. Ian and Adam from before sit talking to Alice and Adam.

"Morning Sian. This is Ian Nelson" she gestures to Ian who looks up at me and we hold each other's gaze for what felt like forever. "and this is Adam Young. He's a musician, you know?"

"I met them before" I smile sweetly at her. 

Oh My Word! She is so into Adam it is unbelievable She is sat there twiddling her black curly lock and asking him if he works out. What the hell? Then they would get together and then... i would be the only one who isn't with someone. Oh and Ian. But he could easily find a pretty girl. i'm staying away from a love life just as a cat stays away from water.

 I just hope Alice keeps her gob shut about the reason why or else she won't see it to her eighteenth bithday!

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