Chapter 14

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Bethany's POV

I woke up hearing a loud bang. My bodily instict was to jump up in bed with my heart pounding. I pulled the covers off, making my way towards the door. I still had my sweats and sports bra on from last night, thanking Jesus mentally that I put pants on.

I pulled the door open to see Harry laying on the floor, flat on his back. His hand was holding the top of his nose as his eyes were screwed shut in pain. His torso was bare, but his lower half was covered in a pair of sweats he wore yesterday. He was taking in shakey breaths, obviously trying not to break out into sobs. Everytime his body would suck in air, you could see the muscles in his stomach pop out a bit more and his chest rise and fall heavily. It was quite the site to see, but before I could laugh about it, I decided to figure out what happened.

"Umm- you alright?" I ask and he nods his head a bit.

"What'd you do?" I bite my lip, trying to hold back a small chuckle.

"Slipped, fell. Socks don't suit the floors in here. Hit my nose on your bloody door handle." He was mumbling, but you could make out what he was saying. Just imagining him falling like that made my insides churn in giddiness. Before I could stop them, full on cackles were exploding out of my mouth as I looked at him on the floor.

His fingers that were laying across his eyes spread apart so you could make eye contact with him. They went from hard to ammused within seconds, and for some reason, that made me only laugh harder. I don't understand how he could hit his nose specifically on a door handle, but it was probably the funniest and craziest story I had ever heard.

"I'm so sorry." I tell him in between laughs.

He stands up, pushing himself off the ground with one arm since the other hand seemed to be holding his nose lightly. I stopped laughing so hard, and the cackles started to come out as small little giggles. Although his hand was partially covering his mouth, you could see his smile breaking through lightly.

His face was bright, sleep evident on his eyes. They were cheerful, but had a bit of a drowsy look to them. His dimples were dented far into his cheeks, giving off more clues that he was smiling. There were crinkles by his eyes, obviously telling how hard he was trying to hide the smile creeping onto his face. He wasn't speaking, just simply staring at me with a slightly embarrassed face.

"It's not funny." He pouts and it makes me laugh even harder.

"Let me see." I tell him nodding towards his head. He whimpers a bit when I move his hand away from his nose. He's quick to move it back, covering it up completely again.

I let out a small laugh, shaking my head lightly. He looks away, tears still threatening to spill out of his green eyes. I grab his other hand, which is resting no his hip and start to pull him into my room. At first, I can tell he's iffy about continuing to follow me into the room, but continues along with me none the less. I look back at him a few times, only to see his eyes wandering around me room aimlessly. He doesn't say anything, but his jaw drops a bit, letting me know he's slightly impressed.

When we make it into my bathroom, I have him take a seat up on my counter by the sinks. His hand still remains covering his nose, and his eyes are now shut. He's taking deep breathes, obviously trying not to let a tear slip, but it's actually really cute. The way his eyebrows furrow when he's trying not to think of the pain is adorable and the way he's too nervous to let me see him cry is kinda funny. He's such a guy when it comes to being emotional...

"Alright, Harry let me see." I tell him gently, but he just shakes his head, making me chuckle again.

I tug his left hand away from his face, holding his wrists in my hands. This way, he can't try to cover it up again because I'm holding them down. His eyes are glancing curiously at me, but I don't make eye contact with him. I keep my eyes focussed completely on his nose. The close proximity is enough to make me feel nervous, and I know making eye contact will pretty much have me shaking.

I let go of one hand, knowing he won't cover his nose up again to try and hide from me. I had already seen the worst of it, he didn't have anything else to hide really. My hand was care as it reached up to lightly touch the lightly bruised skin on his nose. He flinched a bit at first, though I don't know if it was from pain or if I had cold hands. I was hoping it was cold hands.

His skin was warm, and soft. There was a bit of stubble along his jawline, but it wasn't anything that was even remotely close to a beard. He looked like a lost kid, watching me whenever I moved. He'd cower back if he thought I was going to hurt him or lean into my touch if it seemed to soothe him. He was a child in so many ways, and so much of a 20 year old boy in another.

"I don't think it's broken, but we should probably put some ice on that." I comment with a bit of a chuckle.

His face breaks out into a pout, but he nods his head none the less, agreeing with me. I move away from his body, taking a few steps back away from the counter. He slides off slowly before settling his feet on the ground. His body shivers a bit, obviously getting used to the cold tile hitting his feet. He really must have hated it because the next thing I know, he's on his tip toes running towards my bed in my room.

He jumps on it, landing on his back. Atleast he avoided the injury of his nose. I don't think I'd want it to get any worse, nor would he.

"Harry, you want breakfast?" I offer but he shakes his head, pushing up higher into my bed. When he finally reaches the top, his head is planted straight in my pillow, and the duvet had some how made it's way on top of his body.

"M' cold." he mutters out before shutting his eyes and letting his head set deeper into the pillow.

"Well, are you goin back to sleep?" I ask to which I only recieve a nod.

I shake my head before tentively walking towards the bed. His eyes were shut tight, a content smile plastered across his face. I tried to ignore the small fluttering in my stomach as I made my way closer to my bed that Harry thought was currently okay for him to lie in. When I finally sit down, and my weight sinks into the bed, his eyes snap open and he looks at me as I get under the covers on the other side.

"What're you doin'?" He asks a bit shocked and I shake my head.

"You got in my bed, and I'm tired. You woke me up too early." I complain a little, getting a sassy eye role.

"I'm sorry I practically broke my nose." He tells me, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"Yea, as well as my door nob." I tease him and he gives me a small glare.

"You goin' back ta sleep?" He asks, and I can already feel my eyes slowly closing.


"Bed smell's of vanilla."


"You smell of vanilla too." He tells me as I'm drifting in and out of sleep.


"This smell will haunt me forever." Those are the last words I hear before my body falls back into sleep and my world becomes black.

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