Chapter 42

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Bethany's POV

Nervous was the only thing I felt right now. My legs were bouncing up and down as I sat in my big office chair. My palms were beginning to get clammy. My stomach was becoming queasy. I felt like a mess.

Harry had ran so quickly out of my kitchen, I was terrified. He didn't say where he was going, or what he was up to. He just stormed out of the kitchen with a heavy scowl on his face.

The meeting is suppose to start in three minutes, and I'm petrified to even come in contact with any one in that band. The embarrassment I had from this was enough to make me want to stay home and hide in my bed for the next week and a half.

There were already reporters outside of the building when I arrived, and thankfully I was able to park in the parking lot under the building. I didn't want to go to work and face the people here. I was suppose to be some well polished, mature business associate. Yet, here I was... caught making out with my boyfriend in nothing but a tshirt and a pair of underwear...

Vanessa knocked lightly on my already ajar door before slowly sauntering into the room. I watched her tentatively walk over to my desk, standing in front of me.

"Simon is here... and four of the boys are with him. Harry's yet to turn up, but they want to know if you'd want to continue on without him?" She asks lightly, and I feel myself get all hot all over again.

"Yes. Let's proceed with the meeting." I choke out.

Get it over with as soon as possible.

She nodded her head, and walked out the door. I could hear some muffled talking outside my door, but I ignored it. I wouldn't have been able to understand what they're saying anyways.

"Miss Smith." I hear Simon greet, only, there's a warm smile on his face.

"Bethany!" There is another chorus of screams, only its from the boys and they're all sprinting far and fast towards me.

"See you've had a little fun with Harold eh?" Louis wiggles his eyebrows on me, and I feel my face turn the color of a tomato.

"Oi, leave her alone." Simon snaps. The tone in the room became more serious, my body starting to stiffen.

"Now boys, we are here right now because we have a meeting about a very important matter at hands. You can all discuss personal matters after the end of the meeting." Simon says monotoneously.

He leads the way towards the small confrence table in my office and takes a seat next to the head of the table, leaving that seat for me. The boys sit with him, all of them waiting for me to come join them. I gulp quite harshly before walking towards them.

Vanessa rushes in with a phone between her shoulder and ear and a stack of folders. She places each of the folders in front of us, making me sigh in annoyance. More paper work, less fun time. She breaks me from my saddened mood and the mention of Harry's name.

"Harry called to let you know he's on the elevator on the way up, so he will be here shortly." I nod my head, and I feel a form of relief run through my body. At least he'll be here to suffer with me.

And if on cue...

"Sorry m'late." He says quickly as he sits down in the only empty seat left.

I take him as he gets settled. He's chewing gum, quite harshly- a habit he only does when he's upset about something. He's taking off his sunglasses, folding them so they're hanging from the neckline of his shirt. He runs a hand through his hair, before pulling it down his face, leaving a bit of red from where he rubbed. He changed his shirt- now wearing a whitie tank top that showed off his arm muscles.

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