Chapter 37

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Bethany's POV

 "I already told you how great they were yeah? Sure, I wish they were home more and were able to do more, but I got to see them. Guess I was lucky I even had parents." 

He nods slightly and the grip he has on my hip bone squeezes slightly. His eyes were staring into mine with complete curiousity. There was a small furrow between his brows and his lips were pressed tightly together. It was his facial expression anytime he tried to concentrate, and it was adorable. 

"You know the bits about them being killed in a car crash... I think everyone knows about that." I try to joke, but it doesn't come amount amused at all.

"Yeah... I know about that." He whispers, making chills run down my spine.

"I mean, we've talked about the stupid stuff like last week I think right?" I ask him, hoping he'll remember it. 

"Yea, but you didn't get into any specifics really..."

"Maybe I should just start from the beginning then." I take a deep breath, preparing myself to go back and talk about one of the hardest days of my life. 

I had woken up and gotten ready for school that day. It was 6:30 in the morning when my mom walked in my room to talk to me while I did my hair and make up in the bathroom. It was always something we would do together. My mom would drink her coffee and talk to me about what was going on in our lives because sometimes after school, there wouldn't be any time to talk since I had homework to do. 

I remember my mom had seen what I was wearing for the day, a pair of leggins, combat boots and one of her sweaters that accidently got put in my room on laundry day. She looked it over and stifled a laugh, making my cheeks burn. 

"You can keep that sweetheart... Looks better on your figure anyways." She comments before kissing my head and walking out the door to go downstairs and eat breakfast with Dad and I. 

I remember seeing him sit at the table with a newspaper in his hand and a cup of coffe set in front of him. Both of my parents were still dressed in their pyjamas since they didn't have to be at the office till nine and it was only 7:00. Mom's hair was in a bun on her head, and her body was surrounded by a white bathrobe. My dad had his reading glasses on, a blue bathrobe and his hair looked like a birds nest. 

"I made eggs today. Thought it'd be nice to have an actual meal instead of stuffing ourselves with cereal." My dad joked, and for some reason, I remember laughing at it. It wasn't that the joke was funny, it was the small snort that left my dads nose after he tried to joke around that had me hunched over laughing. 

We ate our breakfast together and I was thankful for it. It was the last meal I'd ever share with my parents and the last time I'd ever talk to them. I remember the conversation we had... It was about where we wanted to go for spring break and my mother had suggested Paris. I had only been twice before at that point in my life, and I wanted to revisit it again. The Eiffel Tower at night was something I would never forget.

I remember actually kissing both of them on the cheek before I grabbed my car keys to leave. I remember how my mom smelled of vanilla and my dad of cologne. I remember the way they had watched my drive off on the front porch and how they walked back inside for me to never see them again. I remember that door closing for the last time and I remember never wanting to enter through it again. 

I had gotten to school and was in the best mood. I had a good breakfast and I had a good morning with my parents. Chace was sitting next to me in my math class, making fun of the teacher the entire time she taught. She was at least 70 years old, and she was cranky as hell. I remember laughing at something he had said. It had me in tears from laughing so hard. but then everything kind of just stopped. 

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