Chapter 70

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Bethany's POV

When I walked into the house, I assumed there would be a ton of people outside barbecuing and listening to music. I thought there'd be so many celebrities here, I'd sort of just blend in with the crowd. I thought I'd see some people I knew that I could talk to so that I was distracted from Harry all night.

That just didn't seem to be the case.

The minute I walked in, it was as if a fucking spotlight had just been shined on me in the middle of a pitch black room. There didn't seem to be one single pair of eyes that wasn't looking at me. There were so many celebrities in the front foyer alone, yet every single person didn't seem to want to look away from me.

I guess it was surprising. After all the drama that had gone down, I don't think anyone expected me to show up here. I'm pretty sure the actual band members didn't even know I was coming. It was all very intimidating. I smiled at some people and tried to ignore the loud whispers going around as they talked about me. Everyone looked full of pity or surprise as they took a look at me. It was slightly infuriating.

It was odd enough coming to a party at a place I used to call home, and now I'm here celebrating for my ex-boyfriend and he doesn't even know I'm coming.

"What's everyone starin' at?" Niall's slurred words ring through the house and over the music pumping through the crowd.

I watch his blond hair push through the mass of people until he stops right in front of me. His eyes are wide at first, but soon a giant smile makes its way to his lips, and I'm taken in for a giant Niall hug. He's so giddy and drunk, and it's only 7 pm.

"Harry's upstairs." He mumbles into my ear.

I freeze, not really knowing how to take it. I didn't really come to see Harry. As much as I wanted to see him, I was mostly here for everyone else. Harry and I needed time and space from each other. He respected that, and he proved it to me last night.

I wasn't thinking when I asked him to spend the night. I was tipsy on the wine, and drunk on my heartbroken feelings. There was no other reasonable explanation other than that.

I didn't mind the cuddling though. I didn't mind having him keep me warm until I fell asleep. I felt safe again. I felt like there wasn't anything to hide from when his arms were wrapped around me.

I liked waking up to a text from him that had a picture of me passed out and him telling me that he kept his promise. I appreciated the little things like that.

What I didn't appreciate were the amount of eyes on me. I understood that being here was a shock, but this was beyond ridiculous. Maybe it's what I was wearing?

I didn't think so though. I was wearing jean shorts and a plain white v-neck. Everyone seemed to be wearing things of the same sort. It was a barbecue- not a fucking ball.

I moved through people awkwardly, smiling at those who didn't look away when I established eye contact with them. It was pissing me of how every single ounce of attention I got was pity. I'm so sick of pity.

When I get outside, I see Vanessa sitting at the outdoor bar, talking to some man. The guy was obviously flirting hard, but Vanessa looked so bored with him, it was hard not to laugh. She turned at the sound of my giggling, a giant grin spreading across her cheeks.

"Oh thank God you're here." She comments as she leaves the man talking in the middle of his sentence. He was cute, but he didn't seem to interest her in the slightest.

Her light blue jeans and white tank top were perfect for her. They made her skin look tanner and showed off some of the curves she usually hid in the office attire. She looked good, I'll give her that.

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