Chapter 66

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Harry's POV

The door slammed shut behind me. The walk home in the winter air had made my face and hands go numb. It was like the emotional part of my body was become so sore from all the heart break, and my physical self was going completely numb, making my emotional pain so much worse.

I wanted to be done with this. I wanted to speak to Bethany and explain that I love her. I wanted to tell her everything, but I was going to have to wait till tomorrow to do that.

I needed to pack. I needed to get all my shit ready so when I needed to go, I could just leave and be completely ready. My flight is at 9 in the morning and it's 11:30 right now. I wasn't prepared at all. I still didn't know how I'd get in contact with her.

I shrugged my coat off, hanging it in the hall closet and slipping my boots off as well. It was late, and I knew the sounds of my boots would be heard throughout the house.

1:54 in the morning, and I was wondering how I managed to slip in so late without anyone calling me to see where I'd been. Maybe they just didn't care anymore? I was 21, soon to be 22.

As I got in my room, I saw the lamp turned on over my desk. It was shining down on my phone... That explains why I didn't get any texts or calls. The weird thing, there was a note next to it from Des.

Left your phone here... -Des.

That was weird. I was so sure I had brought it, but I guess I hadn't.

Whatever, it didn't matter. I had bags to pack and I had to get everything sorted. I needed to get my passport and make sure all my flights were in order.

First thing was first, I needed my suitcase, which was still full from when I arrived. I didn't have many clothes that I kept at my moms place, but what I'd left here was going to have to do.

I dumped the suitcase out on the floor, making all of its contents spill all over the white carpet. I set it on the bed, and began to sort through the mess of clothes I had with me.

There was lots of white and black shirts that I tried to fold neatly, and slipped right into my suitcase. Then I saw a pair of jeans on the floor, picked them up and set them in my bag. I needed sweaters and sweatshirts as well, so as I went through the drawers that still had clothes from the last time I was here, I pulled out a few things i could use to keep warm.

I only needed a few pairs of shoes, so I packed two pairs of boots and headed towards my bathroom. I needed my hair supplies because I didn't want to show up to Bethany's Hotel room with a birds nest on top of my hair.

When i walked back out, the hair styling products, my toothbrush and toothpaste were all thrown into my luggage. I needed a pair of sweatpants for the hotel room I'd be staying in. I didn't like to lounge around in jeans.

I begin to dig around my room, thinking of the last place I saw my sweatpants. The last time I'd seen them, they weren't on the floor, or in a pile somewhere. They were on Bethany's hips as she spoke to my mother early one morning.

She had obviously taken them off, but I assumed she put them somewhere in her luggage on accident.

I walked to the pile of luggage on the floor next to desk and opened the zipper of the biggest one. If I remember correctly, this was the one she'd keep her clothes in.

I was completely surprised when I saw what was really in there though: 5 boxes, each one wrapped to perfection. I saw my name on one, and I felt my stomach churn.

We had never exchanged presents, and she was never able to see the Tiffany's ring I had gotten her. I bit my lip, making a mental note to take it with me to Paris.

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