Chapter 57

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Bethany's POV

I sat down at looked at the text from Vanessa over and over again.

The videos of you and Harry are everywhere!

I don't think it was possible for me to read it more than I had. I had simply stared at it over and over again. I wasn't surprised at the fact that the video had been leaked, but it was odd how quickly shit seemed to get out with us. It wasn't just posted on some tiny twitter account. It was posted all over magazine websites, claiming the footage as their own.


I replied as calmly as I could, but I already knew the answer. Why had they been saying the had to right to take pictures of us? What contract were they talking about?

I think back through all the days since I'd met Harry; trying to think of any contract I signed that had their name on it. Nothing came to mind. The only thing I could think of was well... Nothing.

I signed my contract with Simon, but that was through SYCO records. I read through that contract three times before I signed it. There was nothing that had to do with what I was being accused of as permission to take pictures of me in my home.

Now these videos are going insane. That girl was hired by modest, along with all those other girls with her. Sure I looked like a bitch, but none of us should have.

The videos were rough, and I knew we would get a lot of shit for them soon. I hoped to God that wasn't what Anne and Harry were talking about.

I heard a few screams from inside the house. The voices were between Anne and Harry... Only, I would have been ten times more scared of Anne. She is his mom after all.

The front door slammed shut and I knew it was Harry. I looked over at him, his body hunched over and full of tension. He was looking around the front yard. He was looking for something... Someone.

That someone was me.

"I need to get out of here." He says through gritted teeth.

"What happened?" I ask, popping off my chair and making my way towards him.

I pout as I feel his entire body tense under my touch. He pulls away, walking down the three small steps to the pathway through the front lawn.

"I'm angry. I don't want to hit you." He explains gruffly, storming towards the door with me flying after him.

"Why are you angry?" I say as I open the door for myself, sitting in the passenger side of the car.

"Just am. Mum said shit that made me angry."

The car starts quickly, and I look up towards the front door to see Anne standing in the door way. She has a small frown on her face, and a few tears running down her face. Harry doesn't notice as he backs the car out of the driveway and down the street.

The car takes off down the street with Harry pressing as hard as he can on the accelerator. I grip the chair with my nails digging into the leather. This was the second time Harry had driven like a maniac in the past three days and I didn't like it.

I kept my eyes shut as he continued to speed. I didn't know how long we were driving or where we were driving. I just knew it needed to stop soon. I didn't know if I could have handled it if anything bad happened.

When I felt the car come to a random stop, my jaw clenched shut. I was waiting for the impact that never came.

"Baby?" His raspy voice had scared the shit out of me, making my eyes pop open.

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