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it was finally done. I ran out of the grant entrance of Hogwarts carrying my trunk in my hand smiling brightly. James and his little pathetic redhead girlfriend ran out next to me. I turned to face him,

"James, I need to tell you something" he turned to face me smiling brightly, I couldn't do this, it would break his heart, he was so happy I just shook my head and plastered on a fake smile,

"nevermind it's not important, I'll tell you later" he looked at me concerned for a second,

"I'm fine I promise" I hugged him tightly, he hugged back, wrapping his arms around me. I pulled away and grabbed his hand, pulling him down to the train,

"cmon!" he laughed and followed me down.

 we ran onto the train and found Remus and Sirius eating each others faces off. I smirked

"get it pads!" James had the opposite view,

"really guys I- Y/N NO!" I snickered and sat next to Sirius in the window seat. 

"so, Y/n you'll be coming alone next year" well. better now than later,

"um... well you see guys, I'm not coming back next year" everyone froze,

"y-you um w-what" James stuttered I started to quickly get more and more anxious 

"y-yeah, I just can't stay in one place for too long a-and this place was terrible this year, a-and I don't think I could do it without you guys, everyone else here h-hates me" surprisingly Remus spoke up,

"guys I think she might actually have the right idea, you know about that Voldemort guy, not even Hogwarts is safe also you have to admit shes been struggling way more than before this year" I sat in shock out of everyone Remus was the last one I was expecting to tell me to give up on school "also she's smart enough, with the apprenticeship and all, to actually make it better than others without her last year of schooling" I smiled

"Thanks, moony" James huffed, 

"fine, but it doesn't mean I have to like it" I smirked at him

"I always win" he just rolled his eyes, 

"you two are gonna stay in the house though right?" I nodded, Sirius and I were moving into the potter mansion together, James was moving in with lily, who even knows where peter stays, Remus was going to be staying with his parents for a while longer until he found a place. 

"yeah and any of you are welcome to stay with us" 

"you two better not do anything stupid without me" we both smirked,

"no promises" Sirius replied smugly

"and no drinking for either of you!" James pointed  finger at up

"Yeah, there's no way you can prevent that" I replied snickering James sighed,

"Just don't burn the house down at least

"I'll try not to" I smirked. 

soon enough the train was pulling up to the platform and people were already scrambling to find their parents and grab their belongings as I stepped off the Hogwarts Express for the last time. I quickly found my bags and rejoined Sirius who was leaning against the wall smoking. 

"you ready?"

"yeah" he stamped out his cigarette and fixed his hair, I rolled my eyes and snickered. I grabbed a handful of floo powder and took a shaky breath. 

"potter mansion!" I threw the powder into the fireplace and it erupted in a cloud of green smoke and flames, I stepped forwards into it and was quickly whisked away. I was dizzy when I finally arrived, I coughed a little attempting to clear the smoke from my lungs. I was surprised to see that I had actually made it in, last I had known they had set up multiple charms to keep me and only me out. I hesitantly took a step into the immaculately decorated house that was still impressively clean. I bit my lip anxiously and placed my trunk on the floor taking in my childhood home.  I heard Sirius coughing behind me as he arrived. I paid him no heed attempting to stop the burning sensation in my eyes. 

"Sirius. are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I turned to look at him, we bot pulled out our identical copies of revolver and smirked. I ran to the grand ballroom and popped the record in. I turned it up, full blast and kicked off my shoes. I slid across the marble floors as helter skelter started, I laughed as I slipped and almost fell on my face. 

"This is gonna be so much fun" I grabbed my shoes, extremely high heeled boots mind you, slipped them on and climbed up onto the stage at the front.

"dipshit you coming!?" Sirius laughed and climbed up onto the stage next to me. I looked to him,

"ready?" he nodded and shouted

"go!" we both backflipped off the edge of the stage. I landed in a crouch and Sirius landed standing. we both looked at each other and spoke at the same time

"sickkkkkkk" I stifled my laughter and covered my black covered lips but I couldn't hold it in. I fell back onto the floor cackling. Sirius laughed but remained standing. I took gasping laboured breaths as I attempted to calm down. I was eventually able to stand without pissing again. 

"Okay okay, we have a whole damn house to explore let's go" I left the music on and linked my arm through Sirius's. the music filtered nicely through the rest of the house as we entered random rooms until we finally found one of interest. my old room. white marble floors and dark burgundy walls. a black Slytherin banner hung on the wall amongst the many MANY band posters. I took a slow step in. my old makeup still lined up perfectly on the black dresser, combat boots against the far window. the moonlight shone through the skylight above my bed which was doused in black pillows and blankets. but the thing that caught my eye was my precious children I was forced to leave behind. my record collection. I gasped loudly and ran over,

"black veil brides, Beatles, Panic! at the disco, My chem, Nirvana, Melanie Martinez, green day, Elton John, Billy Joel, Pink Floyd, queen. my babies!" I pulled out at nearest one and hugged it to my chest, I let out a yawn.

"pads? would you mind, I think imma hang out in here for a bit"

"okay" he didn't move I looked at him weirdly,

"alone pads"

"oh yeah, right I knew that" he walked out leaving me alone. I pulled out a dusty Billy Joel record and walked over to the player in the corner. I blew the dust off it coughing a little. I placed it in gently and changed as it played, humming along slightly. I crawled into my bed with a sincere feeling of nostalgia and fell asleep as the record played out.

I was finally free.

𝕴 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 ~ Regulus black x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang